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Updated approx - 9:00am - 1:00pm - 5:00pm - 9pm ET

Seen From St-Hubert, Quebec Comet Like UFOs
UFO Stalker - ufo sighting - Greenville Jct, ME
UFO over my Home - 1992, Tepoztlan, Mexico
UFO Eye Candy - UFO over West Virginia, February 28, 2008
Chatham, Kent UK Orange Orbs In Slight V Formation
North Yorkshire Moors - Cylindrical UFO Speeds Off
Cheraw, SC- Large Green Ball Explodes And Beams Of Light
UFO Eye Candy - UFO or lenticular?
Edmonton, Alberta Unknown Object ?
Cloverdale BC Silver UFO With Rows Of Portholes
Venezuela: A UFO Destroyed by Lightning?
Glowing Orb Filmed over Texas
UFOs Photographed over California-no usable picture though

UFO article and MUFON reaction! - Ian Brockwell
Weather Eye: UFOs or autumn spiders?
UFO Theater: UFO Files - An Alien History of Planet Earth
Tenerife UFO's
UFO ERA - Book Review: As Man Becomes Machine UFOlogy and the way of the world - Dandare
UFO Media Matters: When The Music Died: NASA
Re: Stephenville - Economy's tanking - Billy Cox-Herald Tribune
Future Moon Base Site Imaged in 3-D & Clementine - A must see
Moore Knew Mogul's Name- Kevin Randle
UFOs: Friend or Foe? No Happy Camper UFO Abduction Stories
UFOs: NSA,CIA -UFO related Documents
Panel Discussion: UFO Abuction - Investigation Panel (1993)
Many of the truths that we cling to depend on our point of view
Local ties to Heaven’s Gate
Daily Grail - Rocket Man enters History Books
Contactee 'Buck Nelson's' Letter to Flying Saucer Review
Looks like the Kremlin was Invaded by Aliens - 1932
Bird's Eye View

Paranormal Activities - put picture with pictureEasy, edible ghosts anyone can make
Ghost hunters on prowl at fort
It's scary in Kirkleatham museum
Historic house haunted? Who ya gonna call?
Pupils living in fear as ‘ghosts’ invade school
Paranormal investigator shares tales of haunted locations
Can We Really Transplant a Human Soul?
ParaWa Investigation - Bayside Engravers
Paranormal investigation takes place in Pampa
My Son is Seeing Ghosts
More Dime Phenomena - True Tales
Mark Nesbitt: The Real Ghost Man Of Gettysburg
Ghosts Around - Are these ghosts a reality?
'Ghost Whisperer' Season 4 Promo
Creature of the Matrix - True Tales
Give It Back! - True Tales

Radio: The Ghosts of Mornington Villas - Sept 27th
Radio: Royce Holleman-Christianity & Paranormal- Sep 28th
Radio: ISIS Paranormal - Rose Rosetree - Sept 28th
The Paracast - UFO researcher Paola Harris - Sept 28th
Radio: Famously Haunted - White Noise - Oct 3rd

Radio: GCOM Para Radio - A night with Nick
Radio: Steven Raebel w/Debbie Edwards
Radio: Paranormal Reality - Demonology and ghost talk
Radio: Capt Jack w/ Bruce Maccabee
Radio: CCSC Paranormal show with Mission City Paranormal
Radio: Southern Paranormal
Radio: Paranormal Speakers
Radio: Beth Brown and the Ghosts of Virginia Battlefields!
A Glimpse Through The Veil - The Sallie House - Listen Now!
UFO Paranormal Radio: A Global Focus guests Paola Harris
Radio: Eye To The Sky guest contactee Linda Montaldo
September Archive *August Archive *July Archive *June Archive
Updated approx - 9:00am - 1:00pm - 5:00pm - 9pm ET
UFO Sighting: Northport, NY- Sept 24th
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Dallas/Fort Worth Airport-Texas
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Sept 24th
NW Penrith, Cumbria UK-Unk Object And Call To The Police
Louis Head Beach, Nova Scotia Object Lit Up The Ocean
Barrie, Ontario Object Comes To A Dead Stop
Over Cobourg, Ontario A Big Orange Ball
San Clemente, Calif - A Rectangular Shaped UFO
Near Lake Lanier, North Georgia Low Flying Bright Light
Queensland, Australia An Egg Shaped Metallic UFO
St. Thomas, Ontario Three Silent Glowing Oval Disks
Solved: The mystery of the St Lawrence UFOs

Part One: Rearranging Quantum Markers
"Get ready Alabama"-The aliens are coming & droves of people
UFO Mystic - Abductions, UFOs & More - Nick Redfern
A Town in Texas Ponders Mystery of 1897 Spaceman
UFO's over Swiss airport Zurich-Kloten, 1966
UFO ERA: Sources of books/research material on Keely
Vintage UFO - "They Live"
Daily Grail - News Briefs - Sept 26th
UFOs Make Headlines… Where? (Take a Guess)

Paranormal State to Air the Visit to James Gilliland ECETI
Paranormal State - Sometimes, I do not make the best decisions
Speaking With the Dead
Were there Apollo Missions that Followed Apollo 17?
Pupils living in fear as ‘ghosts’ invade school
The America Financial Collapse and the American 'Indian Curse'
Prince Charles set to visit haunted castle
Ghost of the Handy Man True Tales
I talk to the dead
A scary business: Firm steps up for Halloween season
Parascience And Its Effect On Natural Resource Development
Strange Being Crossing the Road - True Tales
Healing Light Being - True Tales
Are spirits roaming the halls of a local landmark?

Radio: GCOM Para Radio - A night with Nick - Sept 26th
Radio: Steven Raebel w/Debbie Edwards - Sept 27th
Radio: Royce Holleman-Christianity & Paranormal-Sep 28th
Radio: ISIS Paranormal - Rose Rosetree - Sept 28th
The Paracast - UFO researcher Paola Harris - Sept 28th

Radio: Paranormal Reality - Demonology and ghost talk
Radio: Capt Jack w/ Bruce Maccabee
Radio: CCSC Paranormal show with Mission City Paranormal
Radio: Southern Paranormal
Radio: Paranormal Speakers
Radio: Beth Brown and the Ghosts of Virginia Battlefields!
A Glimpse Through The Veil - The Sallie House - Listen Now!
UFO Paranormal Radio: A Global Focus guests Paola Harris
Radio: Eye To The Sky guest contactee Linda Montaldo
September Archive *August Archive *July Archive *June Archive
Updated approx - 9:00am - 1:00pm - 5:00pm - 9pm ET

Barnoldswick 'UFO' mystery solved
Farmer's discovery could answer Wrexham's UFO
New York UFO
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Westfield, IN
Maidenhead Berkshire England.Great Britain
Bright Fires Of Light
Southbourne, UK An Orange Orb
Caledonia, Nova Scotia Orange Lights Moving Over Tree Line
"UFO" spotted in Croydon night sky
Warm Bay, Atlin, British Columbia Bright Light
Neguac, NB A Bright Glowing Object (Many Witnesses)
UFOs, strange lights invade Northern Territory
Witnesses Stunned By UFO Sightings
Crop Circle-Winterbourne Bassett, Wiltshire - Sept 24th
Crop Circle-Yatesbury, Wiltshire - Sept 21st

"Something Is Here" the Zoo Hypothesis - Adam Korbitz
1976 Leonard Nimoy Article: Why I Believe In UFOs
UFOs and ETs: A Question of Paradigm, not Evidence
UFO Photo Fight
A Bit of Vintage Saucer News From Around the Web
Daily Grail - News Briefs - Sept 25th
Roswell comes to rural Bedfordshire?
UFO Landing Holloman Air Force Base
Supersonic Saucer!

Dennis Quaid's New SciFi Film, "Pandorum"
Haunted Hickory Paranormal Conference back for 2nd year
Researcher gives verbal tour of haunted areas in Illinois
Paranormalists take a look at St. Mary's Church
Herriott haunting follow-up
La Vista's Haunted Hollow provides authentic spooks
Marjim Manor: House has history of hauntings
Video: Ghosts, Spirits, and Demons!
Winery attracts ‘Ghost Hunters’
Mother-in-Law's Ghost - True Tales
Man's Spirit Saved Future Self - True Tales
Magic Sport Coat - True Tales

Radio: Paranormal Reality-Demonology & ghost talk-Sept 25
Radio: Capt Jack w/ Bruce Maccabee - Sept 25th
Radio: CCSC Paranormal-Mission City Paranormal-Sept 25th
Radio: Southern Paranormal - Sept 25th
Radio: Paranormal Speakers - Sept 25th
Radio: Lets Talk Ghosts - Sept 25th
Radio: GCOM Para Radio - A night with Nick - Sept 26th
Radio: Royce Holleman-Christianity & Paranormal-Sep 28th
Radio: ISIS Paranormal - Rose Rosetree - Sept 28th
The Paracast - UFO researcher Paola Harris - Sept 28th

Radio: Beth Brown and the Ghosts of Virginia Battlefields!
A Glimpse Through The Veil - The Sallie House - Listen Now!
UFO Paranormal Radio: A Global Focus guests Paola Harris
Radio: Eye To The Sky guest contactee Linda Montaldo
UFO Paranormal Radio: Guest Kala Ambrose
UFO Paranormal Radio: Live From Roswell Guest Jeff Peckman
Paranormal Radio with John Greenwald Jr

Where In The Universe Challenge
September Archive *August Archive *July Archive *June Archive
Updated approx - 9:00am - 1:00pm - 5:00pm - 9pm ET

Amazing UFO with an ET in it, May 24, 2008
UFOs in the skies over St Lawrence Large alien in the sky
Alien in the sky 1
Alien in the sky 2Large triangle UFO in Kentucky (3 days after Stephenville)
Moncton, NB- A Bright White Silvery Oval Shaped Light
East Of Port Angeles, Washington Bright Object
Welland To Niagara Falls, Ontario Two Bright Objects
Brampton, Ontario Bright Light
Stromness In The Orkney Islands Of Scotland-Sphere
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Fairless Hills, PA
Enderby, British Columbia Line Of Red Lights
Whales In Space-More Group Sightings of UFOs
UFOs in the skies over St Lawrence
Chorley in 'UFO alert'

Make one lousy phone call - Billy Cox - Herald Tribune
The Roswell Legacy - The Untold Story....
UFO Mystic - UFOs & the Media - Nick Redfern
Foo Fighters: New Nazi Weapon is Noticed at Front - 1944
UFO ERA: Speiser's most recommended ufo books - 1989 My real-life alien encounter
Strange Craft with Occupants Seen in Kansas, 1952
Daily Grail - News Briefs - Sept 24th
Pt2 Redefining The Principles of Contact
The Texas U Find Out Gig
The Lightship, August, 2006
Minnesota MUFON plans tri-state meeting
UFO DATA Magazine Conference 2008
UFO Talk - Alone on Highway 93 North
UFO ERA: Good data on Canadian Crop Circles in 1991
UFO Mystic - A Texas UFO Gig - Nick Redfern
UFO Mystic - New Gray Barker Biopic - Greg Bishop
Pentagonal crop circle - Cabinet of Wonders
Scott’s Classic Comics Corner: UFO Comics
UFOs Made Headlines in 1884
UFOs & StarPeople - Bernard Haisch, Physicist On Ufos
Paris SETI Conference at UNESCO
UFOs & StarPeople - Of God and Aliens

Marshall, TX Waterworks Hill Ghost Lady Video: Is there a ghost in an OP gym?
Helena's Dave Flynn on UFOs, Religion, and Prophecies
Providence Ghost Tours Offer Chilling Experience
Paranormal research investigators are critical
What Happens When We Die? - Yahoo! News
Do Shadow People Control Casey's Dreams?
Galleries of Justice most haunted in Notts
Myth busting ghost hunting
The Flatwoods Monster extravaganza
Are spirits roaming the halls of a local landmark? The Spirit Guide - Dimensions of Genesis - Danielle Lee
Old Prison Investigation in Deerlodge
Paranormal beliefs in Deaf culture?
Got Ghosts? - OKC Paranormal & see next link below
OKC Paranormal - Case Files
Seeing Another World - True Tales
Paranormal Investigations in Montana - Pt 1
Paranormal Investigations in Montana - Pt 2
Most Haunted Live: Undoctored Photo of Gettysburg Ghosts
Author Patti O'Shea says she's a dork-booksigning Sept 26th
Gained Time - True Tales
Are psychics useful at paranormal investigations?
Who was Haunting Mary? - Phoenix Paranormal
Jerome, Arizona: The Ghost City - Phoenix Paranormal
Wait Until Sunday - True Tales
The Shadow Figure in Bisbee
Haunted places in the Philippines - Freaky ghost stories
Is Brunel's ship one of the most haunted?

Radio: Ghosts:The Spirits Beyond! - Sep 24
Radio: Most every preacher believes in the Paranormal-9/24
Radio: Do Ghosts and Demonic Entities Really Exist? - Sep 24
Radio: Paranormal Reality-Demonology and ghost talk- 9/25
Radio: Sallie House w/ Guest Debra Pickman - Sept 24th
Radio: Beyond Logic - Ghosts - Sept 24th
Radio : Haunted Times - The Mason House Inn - Sept 24th
Radio: Spirit Finders w/ psychic Robbie Thomas - Sept 24th
Radio: Residual Hauntings - Sept 24th
Radio: Capt Jack w/ Bruce Maccabee - Sept 25th
Radio: Paranormal Women League - Sept 25th
Radio: CCSC Paranormal w/Mission City Paranormal - Sept 25th
Radio: Southern Paranormal - Sept 25th
Radio: Paranormal Speakers - Sept 25th
Radio: Lets Talk Ghosts - Sept 25th

A Glimpse Through The Veil - The Sallie House - Listen Now!
UFO Paranormal Radio: A Global Focus guests Paola Harris
Radio: Eye To The Sky guest contactee Linda Montaldo
UFO Paranormal Radio: Voice Of The People-Kala Ambrose
UFO Paranormal Radio: Live From Roswell Guest Jeff Peckman
Paranormal Radio with John Greenwald Jr

Video: Ghost Hunters-Speaking with the Dead - Sept 24th 9pm
Discovery - "A Haunting" Where Evil Lurks - Sept 24th pm
Discover - "A Haunting" Legend Trippers - Sept 24th 2pm
New UFO Revelations: The Gray's Agenda - Sept 24th 11pm

LHC to be Switched Off Until Spring 2009
Saturn's Rings May Be Billions of Years Old
"Dark Flow" Discovered at the Edge of Known Universe
Ground Zero Reveals Ice Age Evidence
September Archive *August Archive *July Archive *June Archive