Updated approx - 9:00am - 1:00pm - 5:00pm - 9pm ET

UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Michigan City, IN - Sept 15
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Leggett, Calif - Sept 22
UFO Stalker - UFO Sighting - Torrance, Calif - Sept 20
Ufology Research: More witnesses to Beasejour UFO
Wrexham "UFOs"-balloons, aliens or Chinese lanterns?
UFO Sighting Reports From HBCC UFO Research - Sept 22nd
Confusion and Contradictions-The Cardiff UFO sightings
Alien Realities - Alien Music
BoA - Harbingers of Dumb (2012) - Tina Sena
Taiwan’s deserted "UFO houses"
Daily Grail - News Briefs - Sept 23rd
Crop Circles: Goodwood, West Sussex - Sept 19th
Crop Circles: Broad Hinton, Wiltshire - Sept 18th
Most Haunted Will Go Live in Gettysburg
Little Mountain Park Haunted? - Winnipeg Paranormal
Daily Grail - The Psychic Astronomer
Faith in honest doubt:Christianity, unbelievers, paranormal
Historical ghost tours back - Macomb, IL
Shadow Man and Dog - True Tales
Angel Money - True Tales
'Ghosts' by The State Theatre Company - Adelaide
Ghosts and the Paranormal
The Man Who Wasn't There - True Tales

Radio: Ghosts:The Spirits Beyond! - Sep 24
Radio: Do Ghosts and Demonic Entities Really Exist? -Sep 24
Radio: Demonology and ghost talk - Sept 25
Radio: Sallie House w/ Guest Debra Pickman - Sept 24th
Radio: Beyond Logic - Ghosts - Sept 24th
Radio : Haunted Times - The Mason House Inn - Sept 24th
Radio: Spirit Finders-psychic Robbie Thomas - Sept 24th
Radio: Residual Hauntings - Sept 24th
Radio: Paranormal Women League - Sept 25th
Radio: CCSC Paranormal-Mission City Paranormal - Sept 25th
Radio: Southern Paranormal - Sept 25th
Radio: Paranormal Speakers - Sept 25th
Radio: Lets Talk Ghosts - Sept 25th

UFO Paranormal: A Global Focus guests Paola Harris
Radio: Eye To The Sky-contactee Linda Montaldo
UFO Paranormal: Voice Of The People Guest Kala Ambrose
UFO Paranormal: Live From Roswell Guest Jeff Peckman
Paranormal Radio with John Greenwald Jr

Discovery - "A Haunting" Spirits of the Dead - Sept 23rd 1pm
Discovery - "A Haunting" Stalked by Evil - Sept 23rd 2pm
Paranormal State: Haunted Ranch - Sept 23rd 11pm
Video: Ghost Hunters-Speaking with the Dead - Sept 24th 9pm
Discovery - "A Haunting" Where Evil Lurks - Sept 24th pm
Discover - "A Haunting" Legend Trippers - Sept 24th 2pm
New UFO Revelations: The Gray's Agenda - Sept 24th 11pm

NASA Uses 90 Rubber Ducks to Study Global Warming

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