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IF IT HIT THE INTERNET TODAY, YOU'LL FIND IT BELOW I TAKE THE HITS FOR YOU SO THAT ALL LINKS ARE TROJAN & VIRAL SAFE AND ALSO ALL LINKS 'OPEN TO NEW WINDOW' More lights spotted in Stephenville skies UFO - My Story And Families Encounters Pueblo, CO five White Lights Horizontal Direction Saddleback Mountain, CA - UFO Makes Strange Maneuvers Tuscola, Douglas County, Illinois Triangle Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta - UFOs Rotating Shediac, NB Saucer Shaped UFO Barnstaple North Devon England Circle Of Light UFO Eye Candy: UFO's over The Netherlands - Oct 24 UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Harrisburg, PA UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - North Carolina UFO Sighting Happening In Texas NEW UFO VIDEOS OCTOBER 24-25 What are Flying Saucers and Ufos ? UFO special: Is this a UFO and police report lights in sky UFO Proletariat: Joseph Capp's Certainty Principle Disclosure & destruction of official australian UFO files Retro UFOlogy from 1953 - Posthuman Blues Land of Enchantment: The Legacy of Roswell - Lesley Ex-RAF man Alan Turner tells of UFOs encounter 'I didn't know what this thing was' An Encounter With Robert Lee - Intangible Materiality ’68 UFO run-in at ND air base still unresolved UFO HUNTERS - Sneak preview videos & episode guide Some possible reasons behind the mystery of Roswell Secrets! 2008 - what the mainstream media won't tell you Study: paranormal, spiritual beliefs aren't treated equally HDR Photos - Countdown to Halloween Terri Rainer: Ghosts Screwin With Ya The Terror of the Omega Men - The Paranormal Pastor Paranormal State: New Episode "I AM SIX" - Oct 27 Texas military group investigate paranormal phenomenon Paranormal investigator returns Oct. 30 Trick or Treat : cvilleSTYLE Messengers From The Other Side In Marshall, Texas Encounters of the Unexplained: Video Evidence of Ghosts The Real Story Behind the World's Most Famous Hauntings Paranormal WatchDog: What Gives Us The Right? The ten most haunted paranormal books - 2008 Union Station: 'Night at the Museum' w/paranormal hunters Local paranormal experts have a scary-good time Ghosthunters Get Busy During Halloween Halloween: A chilly welcome from mine ghost Local woman says she speaks to ghosts America's scariest ghost town Wausau Paranormal Society speaks to Newsline 9 Pursuit of the Paranormal hosting seminar - Petaluma, CA Videos: Ghost Hunters - Theodores' Tavern Crypto's Loren Coleman sues The Hills - Lauren Conrad Hopping Creature - True Tales Sensed Father's Illness - True Tales Decorator Ghost - True Tales Strange Encounters - True Tales Recipes - Backbones Recipes - Roasted Pumpkin Seeds Recipes - Baked Brains Recipes - Baked Garlic Bundles Recipes - Banana Caterpillars Halloween Resources: Halloween Movies and Music Halloween Resources: Halloween High-Tech Halloween Resources: Halloween Crafts Halloween Resources: Halloween Recipes Click on picture for this weeks UFO, alien & paranormal radio schedule Radio: Ghost Hunter Laurie Hull - Oct 25 Radio: BoA season premiere guest Jim Marrs - Oct 25 Radio: Dreamland w/Jim Marrs - Oct 25 Radio: Paranormal Night with James Randi and Nick Redfern Radio: Haunting Encounters Radio: P.O.R.T.A.L. w/Jeff Belanger PRRS Radio w/guest Steven Raebel Radio: Paranormal Radio - UFO's with Robert Hastings Radio: GCOM ParaRadio w/guest Debbie Edwards Paranormal Radio w/ UFO's with Robert Hastings Radio: Beyond The Edge Click TV Guide for all weekly UFO, alien and paranormal programmingSci Fi Channel: Schedule - Oct 25 A & E: Paranormal State: Vegas - 1:30pm 25th A & E: Paranormal State: The Ladder - 2pm 25th A & E: Paranormal State: Hell's Gate - 2:30 25th A & E: Paranormal State: Smoke & Shadows - 3pm 25th Ghost Adventures - Bobby Mackey Music World - 8pm 25th Ghost Adventures Houghton Mansion - 9 & 10pm 25th Bio:Psychic Kids: Night Terrors - 10pm 25th Travel Channel: Coal House Fort Night - 11pm 25th Bio:Psychic Investigators: Darryl Cozart - 11pm 25th Bio: Psychic Investigators: Lawrence Mbroh - 11:30pm 25th Could Strange Mars Craters be from a Fallen Third Moon? Click picture for video and click here for entire story Click image above for full size **** **** **** **** Oct Archive * Sept Archive * Aug Archive * July Archive * June Archive
IF IT HIT THE INTERNET TODAY, YOU'LL FIND IT BELOW I TAKE THE HITS FOR YOU SO THAT ALL LINKS ARETROJAN & VIRAL SAFE AND ALSO ALL LINKS 'OPEN TO NEW WINDOW' UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Birmingham, GB UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Batavia, IL UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Las Vegas, NV UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Dillon, Montana Over NJ Turnpike/Pennsylvania Comet Like Light Blue St Elizabeth Jamaica, West Indies Huge Glowing Green UFO Surrey, BC Circular UFO Hovers 60 Feet Above Witnesses Niagara Falls, Triangular UFO Flys 50 To 75 Feet Over Hotel NE Edmonton, Alberta Loud Sound And Rattling Windows Oshawa, Ontario UFO Makes A Strange Maneuver Edmonton, Alberta UFOs In A V Formation Thorold - St Catharines-Oval Shaped UFOs Circling Stratford, Ontario A Large Round Ball Of Light VIDEO: UFO footage location unknown in U.S. VIDEO: ABC'S Good Morning American - Milton Torres UFO VIDEO: UFO footage October 20, 2008 VIDEO: UFO footage over Germany VIDEO: Milton Torres reveals his UFO secret on British TV NEW UFO VIDEOS OCTOBER 23 UFO's over the Norrild Lagoon, Tres Arroyos, Argentina UFO Media Matters: The Certainty Principle - Joseph Capp Did UFO fly over our skies? The Joint Intelligence Organisation (JIO) and UFOs Mystery of UFO in Glenavy remains The Valentich UFO mystery - after 30 years still unanswered This Just In From Farah Yurdozu Videos: UFO Hunters and New Episode Guide - Oct 29th India's UFO Debate The Orange Orb: What's "Hurting" UFOlogy - Regan Lee PA MUFON will present a Paranormal-UFO Conference Russel Callaghan: Meet Kippax's own UFO expert Airmen's disappearance remains a mystery ’68 UFO run-in at ND air base still unresolved UFO Magazine Blog - Aliens Are in the Details? Great start for 'UFO Hunters' 'Phenomenon' spotted in Suffolk skies Bell Shaped UFO in West Virginia The Skeptical Inquirer Embarrasses Itself Nick Pope on Crop Circles South Africa gears up for giant telescope facility Weather Eye: UFO sightings could be due to atmospherics Could electric discharges have inspired those stories? Toledo residents investigate paranormal activity The world needs a great paranormal inspired video game Spooky Selections for a Week of Freak Creepy keeps chills flowing in lead-up to spooky holiday Paranormal State: New episode "I Am Six" - Oct 27 Thrills & chills: Asbury Park, New Jersey Video: Ghost Town - trailer Ghost Hunters in Wichita Falls Video: Ghost Hunters in Wichita Falls Thrills & chills: Asbury Park, New Jersey Video: Ghost Town - trailer Ghost Hunters in Wichita Falls Video: Ghost Hunters in Wichita Falls Ghosts…Earthbound Spirits Encounter Extended Version The perfumes of the dead Spiritual Sleuths Ghost hunter shows haunting photos Videos: Ghost Hunters - Theodores Tavern Hauntings in the house The Mechanism of Reincarnation The Alabama Paranormal Research & Old Bryce Hospital Fort Employee Claims Paranormal Activity Toledo residents investigate paranormal activity Paranormal Researchers Hunt for Ghosts-Battle of Westport Spooky Selections for a Week of Freak GHOST HUNTER GAME Unexplained Poltergeist - True Tales Halloween 1987 - Season of Shadows Hopping Creature - True Tales Trix and Treats - Season of Shadows Sensed Father's Illness - True Tales Decorator Ghost - True Tales Recipe - Jack O' Lantern Pizza Recipe - Coffin Cake Recipe - Abracadabra Hats Recipe - Alien Faces Recipe - Anti-Vampire Garlic Bites Halloween Resources: Halloween Tombstones Halloween Resources: Halloween Decorations Halloween Resources: Halloween Party Ideas and Planning Halloween Resources: Halloween Games Halloween Resources: Halloween Props and Special Effects Click on picture for this weeks UFO, alien & paranormal radio schedule PLEASE LISTEN UP Nobody contends with James Randi without our support. Please make a point of being present at this radio program when it airs on the 24th. I'm sure that Nick Redfern will handle it well on his own but our presence will certainly not hurt. Our input in chat may become pertinent and please note (as stated in link) that the chat will be held at White Noise and not BlogTalk. Radio: James Randi and Nick Redfern - October 24th Radio: P.O.R.T.A.L. w/Jeff Belanger - Oct 24 Radio: PRRS w/guest Steven Raebel - Oct 24 Paranormal Radio - UFO's with Robert Hastings - Oct 24 Radio: GCOM ParaRadio w/guest Debbie Edwards - Oct 24 Paranormal Radio w/ UFO's with Robert Hastings - Oct 24 Radio: Beyond The Edge - Oct 24 Paranormal Radio - Capt Jack w/James Gilliland Radio: Michigan Paranormal w/Lanaia Lee Radio: THE AARF show Radio: Paranormal Reality Radio: CJ EVP CC Carole "The Huntress" Radio: The Paranomaly Radio: Paranormal Speakers Radio: PRRS - Pre-Investigation show Radio: privateparanormaleye Radio: EVP and talk talk radio show Click TV Guide for all weekly UFO, alien and paranormal programming Ghost Hunters - Halloween night!Sci Fi Channel: Schedule - Oct 24 Discovery: A & E: A Haunting Legend Trippers - 3pm 24th Buzz Aldrin: "We Should Build a Settlement on Mars." The Science of "Fringe" New State of Matter Discovered Kaguya Can't Find Water on the Moon **** **** **** **** Oct Archive * Sept Archive * Aug Archive * July Archive * June Archive