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Updated approx - 9:00am - 1:00pm - 5:00pm - 9pm ET

UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Goodyear, AZ 1997
Elliot Lake, Ontario Object At Tree Top Level
Video: Unknown ufo sighting 2008
Leicester, UK A Silent Orange And Shimmering Object
UFO Sighting In Ottawa, Ontario
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Holbrook, MA - Sept 19th
UFO Stalker - UFO Sighting - Ames, Iowa
Video: British Columbia, Canada, June 19, 2004
UFO - Oberwesel, Germany, Mar 8, 64
UFO reportedly seen Friday night may be a Jupiter sighting- MN

Intangible Materiality - Bruce Duensing
UFO's & Aliens - discussions with family
They don't teach this in J-school - Billy Cox - Herald tribune
They're out there: Farmer remembers his close encounter
The Gralien Report - Alien Invasion: A Bizarre Exercise in.......
Japan's Alien Sitcoms are Worse than Ours
Alternative News - September 2008
How Close is “Official” Full Disclosure
Moo-sterious deaths investigated in Union County
UFO ERA: Hoaxers with ties to top-secret Pine gap - 1991
Video: UFO observed on the Moon
Video: 82 UFO Picture Around The World

Ghosts in the house?
Eastern & Midwest U.S Ghost Tours At the Paranormal Gate - Where nothing is a something
Alternative News - September 2008
Gallup poll: atheists more likely to be superstitious
N.I.P.S. Paranormal looking for mediums
What would it take to be a true paranormal investigator?
Paranormal Phenomena
Musings of a Beginning Paranormal Investigator
Thunderbird in the Everglades - True Tales
My Sister, Who Wasn't There - True Tales
Haunted America - The Great American Pastime
Wait for me - Southern Paranormal Org of Knoxville
Spirits of a different kind at haunted pub-Hucknall, Nottingham
Video: Trailer For "Ghost Town" 2:32 duration
Ghost in the Light - True Tales
Ghostbusters in high spirits
'Ghost Hunters' to explore lighthouse mysteries
Ghosts of Kuala Lumpur Ghost Hunting - Turlock, California
My Ghost Experience: Demonic entities?
The spooks and ghosts have begun to play

Recipe: Peanut Butter Aliens
Recipe: Monster Sandwiches
Recipe: Mummy Dogs
Recipe: Night Crawler Veggie Rolls

Radio: Hauntings - Author Paul Roland-Sept 20th
Radio: Joliet Paranormal Radio - Sept 20th
Radio: Majestic Docs & Whitley Reverse Speech-Sept 21st
RTSC on KAPS Paranormal Radio - Sept 21
Radio: Parapsychological Studies - Sept 21st
Radio: Paranormal Resource & Research Society-Sept 21st
Radio: Radio Doc - The Chris Mentillo Show - Sept 21st
Paracast:Lisa Lindley-survivor of a demonic haunting-Sept 21
Radio: Paranormal Alaska - Sept 21st
Paranormal Radio with John Greenwald Jr - Sept 22nd
Radio : Haunted Times - The Mason House Inn - Sept 24th
Radio: Spirit Finders w/ psychic Robbie Thomas - Sept 24th
Radio: Residual Hauntings - Sept 24th
Radio: Paranormal Women League - Sept 25th
Radio: Southern Paranormal - Sept 25th
Radio: Paranormal Speakers - Sept 25th
Radio: Lets Talk Ghosts - Sept 25th
Radio: GCOM Para Radio - A night with Nick - Sept 26th

P.O.R.T.A.L -1st hour Joe Montaldo w/25yr abduction researcher
P.O.R.T.A.L -2nd hour Joe Montaldo w/Dan Mewhinney
Radio: Royce Holleman w/Edgar Mitchell
Radio: Leinster paranormal
Radio: Paranormal Resource & Research Society
Radio: Church of Ufology
Radio: HM Paranormal - EVP talk
Radio: Paranormal Speakers
Everyday Paranormal - Lizzie Borden broadcast
Radio: ParaWomen with Amy and Kristy
Radio: Lets Talk Ghosts
UFO Undercover guest Miriam Delicado
Radio: The Unexplained World
Catacomb Paranormal Radio Show
Dreamland: Marla Frees near death experience
Radio: Spookapalooza - Listen Now!

Psychic Kids: The Demon House - Sept 20th 10pm
The Unexplained: Modern Psychics - Sept 20th 3pm
Ghostly Encounters: Uninvited Housemates - Sept 20th 9pm
Ghostly Encounters: Growing Up Ghostly - Sept 20th 9:10pm
Sci Fi - Haunted Prison - Sept 20th 9am
Discovery - "A Haunting" The Calling - Sept 22 1pm
Paranormal State: The Ladder - Sept 22nd 10:30pm
Paranormal State: The Name - Sept 22nd 11pm
Paranormal State: The Devil in Syracuse - Sept 22nd 11:30 pm
Discovery - "A Haunting" Spirits of the Dead - Sept 23rd 1pm
Discovery - "A Haunting" Stalked by Evil - Sept 23rd 2pm
Paranormal State: Haunted Ranch - Sept 23rd 11pm
Discovery - "A Haunting" Where Evil Lurks - Sept 24th pm
Discover - "A Haunting" Legend Trippers - Sept 24th 2pm
New UFO Revelations: The Gray's Agenda - Sept 24th 11pm

Transformer glitch shuts down biggest atom smasher
Two Shuttles on the Pad - The Last Time
Weekend SkyWatcher's - Pleiades - September 19-21, 2008
The Moon Meets The Pleiades On September 19-20, 2008
September Archive *August Archive *July Archive *June Archive
Updated approx - 9:00am - 1:00pm - 5:00pm - 9pm ET

Odd-shaped UFO spotted - Wigan, UK
Birmingham UK - UFO or Orb - Sept 5th
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - La Junta, CO - Sept 18th
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Leesville, Louisana - 1990
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Poplar Bluff, MO - Sept 15th
UFO Stalker - UFO sightings - Helsinki, Finland - 2001
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Augusta, ME - Sept 16th
UFO Stalker -UFO sighting - Seminole, OK - Sept 13th
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Bluefield, WV
UFOs & StarPeople - Italy - Helicopters and Spheres
Ufology Research: What the Canadian UFO Survey is all about
UFO Sighting Reports
I saw a UFO in Thailand Last Night - June 18th
UFOs & StarPeople - Lights Near Louth

UFO Media Matters-The Aliens On Trial-Pt2- Joseph Capp
UFO Era: Mystery Circles Form in English Cornfields 1991
Was a UFO really over Lodi in 1947 - See govt's response
Not to be Outdone: Roswell Hosts Recent UFO Sighting
48 boxes of UFO/ET books, govt docs donated-Norlina NC
Tesla: Untitled Nikola Tesla Documentary
Daily Grail - News Briefs Sept 19th
Daily Grail - SETI, Spore and Intelligent Design

Wall Street Journal - Paranormal-Look Who's Irrational Now
Many Believe Angels Watching Over Them
Paranormal investigator hunts ghosts
Psychic sees full-time career - Hartlepoo, UK
Buffalo presents a paranormal past The Ghost of Yeater Hall - Jason Offutt
Snarly Skepticism - Mothballs and Otters - Monster Quest
Brushes with the Paranormal - Ionia, MI
At The Paranormal Gate Where Nothing Is A Something
I See Dead People
Mendon Ponds Orb - Rochester Paranormal
New study says majority believe in angels - UFO Mafia
Are Ghosts & Spirits The Same?
Ghost Bride - True Tales
Review: Ghost Hunters 4.16: 'The Boy in the Brothel'
Grandfather Doppelganger - True Tales
Private Investigation in Bozeman, MT
The Loyal Dog - True Tales

Recipe - Baked Brain
Recipe - Cheesy Bat Biscuits
Recipe - Coffin Cake
Recipe - Cobweb Cups

Radio: Midnight Paranormal with Steven Raebe - Sept 19th
Radio: Royce Holleman w/ Edgar Mitchell - Sept 19th
Radio: Beyond The Edge Radio - Sept 19th
Radio: Joliet Paranormal Radio - Sept 20th
RTSC on KAPS Paranormal Radio - Sept 21
Radio: Parapsychological Studies - Sept 21st
Radio: Paranormal Resource & Research Society - Sept 21st
Radio: Radio Doc - The Chris Mentillo Show - Sept 21st
Radio: Haunted survivor of a demonic haunting - Sept 21st
Radio: Paranormal Alaska - Sept 21st
Paranormal Radio with John Greenwald Jr - Sept 22nd
Radio : Haunted Times - The Mason House Inn - Sept 24th
Radio: Spirit Finders Radio w/ psychic Robbie Thomas-Sept 24th
Radio: Residual Hauntings - Sept 24th
Radio: Paranormal Women League - Sept 25th
Radio: Southern Paranormal - Sept 25th
Radio: Paranormal Speakers - Sept 25th
Radio: Lets Talk Ghosts - Sept 25th
Radio: Parazona Radio - October 2nd
Radio: Live from 2008 Ghost Hunters Conference - Oct 4th

Radio: Leinster paranormal
Radio: Paranormal Resource & Research Society
Radio: Church of Ufology
Radio: HM Paranormal - EVP talk
Radio: Paranormal Speakers
Everyday Paranormal - Lizzie Borden broadcast
Radio: ParaWomen with Amy and Kristy
Radio: Lets Talk Ghosts
UFO Undercover guest Miriam Delicado
Radio: The Unexplained World
Catacomb Paranormal Radio Show
Dreamland: Marla Frees near death experience
Radio: Spookapalooza - Listen Now!

Discovery - "A Haunting" House of the Dead - Sept 19th 1pm
Discovery - "A Haunting" A Haunting in Ireland - Sept 19th 2pm
Psychic Kids: The Demon House - Sept 20th 10pm
The Unexplained: Modern Psychics - Sept 20th 3pm
Ghostly Encounters: Uninvited Housemates - Sept 20th 9pm
Ghostly Encounters: Growing Up Ghostly - Sept 20th 9:10pm
Sci Fi - Haunted Prison - Sept 20th 9am
Discovery - "A Haunting" The Calling - Sept 22 1pm
Paranormal State: The Ladder - Sept 22nd 10:30pm
Paranormal State: The Name - Sept 22nd 11pm
Paranormal State: The Devil in Syracuse - Sept 22nd 11:30 pm
Discovery - "A Haunting" Spirits of the Dead - Sept 23rd 1pm
Discovery - "A Haunting" Stalked by Evil - Sept 23rd 2pm
Paranormal State: Haunted Ranch - Sept 23rd 11pm
Discovery - "A Haunting" Where Evil Lurks - Sept 24th pm
Discover - "A Haunting" Legend Trippers - Sept 24th 2pm
New UFO Revelations: The Gray's Agenda - Sept 24th 11pm
September Archive *August Archive *July Archive *June Archive
Updated approx - 9:00am - 1:00pm - 5:00pm - 9pm ET

UFO Stalker UFO sighting - Matteson, IL - Aug 08UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Shreveport, Louisiana
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Baltimore, Maryland - 1952
UFO Stalker - Possible Abduction - Vista, California - 1996
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Alexandria, VA - 1956
Hawaii - Who wants to see a ufo here?
UFO over Concord?
Here's one UFO explanation - Concord UFO
Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England Circular Lights
UFO over Arrecife Airport, Lanzarote Canary Islands- 8/20
Video: Possible UFO During Mexican Military Parade
Is this really a UFO? Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire
Could this explain the UFO mystery? - S. Tyneside

Alien Abduction: Beyond Five Senses
You Tube has taken off the #1 video poster - aceBryan7ox
Daily Grail - News Briefs - Sept 18th
Comments: More ABC Primetime UFO special fallout
Comments: The OrangeOrb: Seeing Is Believing - Regan Lee
Stephenville Texas: The New Roswell?
UFOs hunted in Needles - UFO Hunter's producer checks it out
UK crop circles summer 1991
Crop Circles: Circle Chasers - 2007
Lucian of Samosata and the First “Space Epic”

Dark Destinations-The suicide & ghost of the Hollywood sign
Most Haunted Mansion In Japan - Paranormal Insight
Curmudgeon over Manhattan
The New Great American Sport!-Paranormal example
Ghost Theory- Phone calls from a Metrolink train crash victim?
Ghostbusting crew returns to Long Banta Home
Paranormal community, your comments are needed!
Enlightened Einstein - The Spirit Guide - Danielle Lee
Fairies and UFOs?
How to start your own ghost hunting group
Video: NZ Paranormal Episode 5
Travel site asks for paranormal submissions, debunkings
Ghost hunters heading for spooky festival in York
Video: Ghost Train Video Entering the 'spirit' world
Destination Truth - Haunted Cave - Burunjor
Where the Ley Lines led
One day you'll be dead
'Necropolis' houses the paranormal and the criminal
The Himuro Mansion Haunting
Is Your Home Haunted? - Rochester Paranormal
Bizarre Pigeon Story - True Tales
Multiple Personality & Demonic Possession
Bedroom Portal - True Tales
CT Ghosts and Mediumship 101 this Saturday! Sept 20th
Gray Chupacabras in Michigan - True Tales

Recipe - "Bloodshot Eyeballs"
Recipe - "Boo the Ghost"
Recipes - "Black Lagoon"
Recipe - "Bubbling Cauldron"

Radio: Church of Ufology - Sept 18th
Radio: Leinster paranormal - Sept 18thRadio: HM Paranormal - EVP talk- Sept 18th
Radio: Paranormal Speakers - Sept 18th
Everyday Paranormal - Lizzie Borden broadcast - Sept 18th
Radio: ParaWomen with Amy and Kristy - Sept 18th
Radio: Lets Talk Ghosts - Sept. 18th
Radio: The Floyd County Paranormal Society - Sept 18th
Radio: Royce Holleman w/ Edgar Mitchell - Sept 19th
Radio: Beyond The Edge Radio - Sept 19th
Radio: Joliet Paranormal Radio - Sept 20th
The Paracast w/ Lisa Lindley - demonic haunting - Sept 21st
Radio: Paranormal Alaska - Sept 21st
RTSC on KAPS Paranormal Radio - Sept 21Paranormal Radio with John Greenwald Jr - Sept 22nd
Radio : Haunted Times - The Mason House Inn - Sept 24th
Radio: Spirit Finders Radio w/ psychic Robbie Thomas - Sept 24th
Radio: Residual Hauntings - Sept 24th

UFO Undercover guest Miriam Delicado - Listen Now!
Radio: Spookapalooza - Listen Now!
Radio: Dawn of Shades w/ Desmond Green - Listen Now!
Radio: The search for the theory of everything - Listen Now!
Radio: The Unexplained World - Listen Now!
Catacomb Paranormal Radio Show - Listen Now!
Radio:'s Stephen Wagner - Listen Now!
Radio: Eye to the sky guest James Clarkson - Listen Now!
Dreamland: Marla Frees near death experience - Listen Now!

Psychic Kids: The Demon House - Sept 20th 10pm
The Unexplained: Modern Psychics - Sept 20th 3pm
Ghostly Encounters: Uninvited Housemates - Sept 20th 9pm
Ghostly Encounters: Growing Up Ghostly - Sept 20th 9:10pm
New UFO Revelations: The Gray's Agenda - Sept 24 11pm

Science: Could inner zombie be controlling your brain?
Daily Grail - Science Anarchy in the UK
Super-massive and Small Black Holes Both Suck
September Archive *August Archive *July Archive *June Archive
Updated approx - 9:00am - 1:00pm - 5:00pm - 9pm ET

White sphere, NM - Sept 16th
UFO Stalker - UFO Sighting - Bossier City, Louisiana
UFOs chased by NATO helicopters - Cervia Italy
More sightings of 'strange lights' - Scarborough
UFOs spotted around Wetherby district
US and UK crop circles for September
Updates of Kentucky man with more UFO sighting photos
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Mesquite, Texas - 1972
Google Earth revealed UFO and Alien anomaly - Argentina
Are UFOs flying over Clydebank?
Moon Photograph Shows Unknown Object
Triangular-Shaped Object, 1970s Photograph, Africa
Ferndale, Western Australia A Bright Light
Coming From Enfield Towards Cheshunt UK 25 To 30 Objects
UFO Sighting Reports From HBCC UFO Research
Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, England UK - Lights

Videos: Last nights ABC Primetime - Seeing is Believing
Hey, ABC: Reporting is believing - Billy Cox - Herald Tribune
UFO sightings stir up Roswell - UFO Chronicles
Paul Hellyer - "Planet Earth at its Rubicon"
Video: Has UFO fame changed Stephenville?
Another UFO in Roswell?
Einstein and Parallel Earths: Contactee links NWO to Manipulative ETs
Extraterrestrials, UFOs, and the Time-Space continuum
Comments: ABC - UFO Special!- L.A. Marzulli’s Blog Comments: UFOs: Seeing is Believing - Redux
Comments: ABC UFO "Special" UFO Magazine
Comments: ABC UFO "Special" was not so special
Comments: ABC UFO Special…I love it when I’m right
Comments: ABC's UFO special - By, Craig Lang
BUFORA offer possible explantion for orange lights UFOs
Extraterrestrial implications on EarthA Few Good Men Preserving UFO Secrecy
The Gralien Report- Can Camera-phones Easily Capture UFOs?
UFO Sightings Stir Up Roswell - Albuquerque
A wise man dismisses nothing out of hand - Bias at NBC Dateline
UFOs Reports Continue - The Daily Gaff
Amazing Facts: 17 More Unexplained Phenomena
What do you think about UFO's and Time Travel?
Daily Grail - News Briefs - Sept 17th
Cabinet of Wonders - What the Navy knows about UFOs
Bristol UFO mystery solved
Mothman Festival organizer celebrates success of event
UFOs (Vimanas)

BT's ghost hunter seeks ghouls in Jedburgh JailIs Your Home Haunted? - Rochester ParanormalThe Paranormal Pastor: Rescued by Angels
The Full Paranormal Psychology
Abnormal Paranormal
Unexplained images reported at Inn
Spooky spirits snapped on film
Haunted History Tours in Selma
R.I. inn getting checked for 'ghosts'
Real Life Ouija Board Stories: The Board Came Back!
Trembling Hooded Figure - True Tales
The Ashen Ghost - True Tales
Disappearing Glasses - True Tales

Creepy Cocktail Recipes - Food Network
Recipe: "Alien Faces" w/photo
Recipe: "Black Cat Cookies" w/ photo
Recipe: "Bride of Frankenstein" w/photo
Paranormal Radio - Capt Jack w/ Heidi Hollis - Sept 17th
Radio: Orion Paranormal - Dr. Michael Sinclair - Sept 17th
Radio: HM Paranormal - EVP talk- Sept 18th
Radio: Paranormal Speakers - Sept 18th
Everyday Paranormal - Lizzie Borden broadcast - Sept 18th
Radio: ParaWomen with Amy and Kristy - Sept 18th
Radio: Lets Talk Ghosts - Sept. 18th
Radio: The Floyd County Paranormal Society - Sept 18th
Radio: Royce Holleman w/ Edgar Mitchell - Sept 19th
Radio: Beyond The Edge Radio - Sept 19th
Radio: Joliet Paranormal Radio - Sept 20th
Radio: Paranormal Alaska - Sept 21st

Radio: Dawn of Shades w/ Desmond Green - Listen Now!
Radio: The search for the theory of everything - Listen Now!
Radio: The Unexplained World - Listen Now!
Catacomb Paranormal Radio Show - Listen Now!
Radio: Paranormal Podcast with Stephen Wagner - Listen Now!
Radio: Eye to the sky guest James Clarkson - Listen Now!
Dreamland: Marla Frees near death experience - Listen Now!

TV: Ghost Hunters - The boy in the brothel - 9pm ET - Sept 17th
Unexplained Mysteries: Psychic Crime-Solvers - Sept 17th 11pm
UFO Files - Hangar 18: The UFO Warehouse - Sept 17 11pm
Psychic Kids: The Demon House - Sept 20th 10pm
The Unexplained: Modern Psychics - Sept 20th 3pm
Ghostly Encounters: Uninvited Housemates - Sept 20th 9pm
Ghostly Encounters: Growing Up Ghostly - Sept 20th 9:10pm
New UFO Revelations: The Gray's Agenda - Sept 24 11pm

Hit by a Particle Accelerator Beam First photo of another alien planet orbiting sunlike star
September Archive *August Archive *July Archive *June Archive