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Alien, UFO & The Paranormal is a site that specializes in bringing this very day's news to it's visitors as it appears on the Internet each and every day. All links are TROJAN & VIRAL SAFE and open to new window.

UFO Stalker - UFO Sightings - Brazil - May 19, 86
Weekly Sighting Reports-03-20-09
UFO Stalker - UFO Sighting - Poway, CA Mar 27, 09

The big boom in Stamford remains a mystery - Green...
Science seeks to spread dis-information on UFO sightings
Scholar decodes some ET messages from human contacts

UFO ERA: Supposed documents from the Majestic-12 - 1987
UFOs Photographed over Bug River - 1983
Indian Point UFO Encounter - 1984

Alien Life: Robotic Mars missions as Dead Men Walking?

A real good music video

UFO Undercover guest contactee Miriam Delicado
Radio: Paradigm Radio - Tonight with Stanton Friedman

The UFO Synopsis w/Jan Aldrich - Project 1947
The Paracast w/Mike Clelland
The Paracast w/George Knapp
UFO Undercover w/alien abduction researcher Yvonne Smith
Radio: UFO & Time Travel

Coast to Coast: March 29 - April 2
Radio: In Focus with Ruben Uriarte & Noe Torres - Mar 28

The Paracast w/ Robert Hastings - Mar 29

The Paracast w/ Dr. R. Haines with NARCAP - Apr 5

Sci Fi Schedule - Mar 28
History: UFO Files: When UFOs Arrive - 10am Mar 28
History: The Universe: Astrobiology - 11am Mar 28


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