Alien, UFO & The Paranormal Casebook is a site that specializes in bringing this very day's news to it's visitors as it appears on the Internet each and every day. All links are TROJAN & VIRAL SAFE and open to new window.

UFO spotted above Brighton Racecourse
UFO buzz hits Gloucester
Fallowfield, Manchester-25th May 2009

Conspiracy convention raises web of theories in Santa Clara
Missing the good days of UFOs and green men
I believe our alien buddy is right...
Alien Life: Turning fiction into reality
Humans Abducted by Hyperdimensional ETs
Scientists seeking Money to finish Syfy's Roswell investigation
Interstellar Kid Gloves: A Child Abduction Observation
1960’s RAND Corporation paper titled UFOs: What to Do? Pt2
How UFOs Work

UFO ERA: Concern Regarding Misinformation
UFO Sighted in the Sky above Town Center - 2008
Mystery over UFO Sightings Deepens - 2008

Alien Life: Hitchhiking microbes

Supersecret Codes Made of Light Closer to Reality?

UFO Undercover w/Stephen Bassett
UFO Undercover w/Wisconin state Bill Burt director
UFO Undercover: Joe Montaldo w/Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Karen Dolan w/Michael Heiser on ETs and the Paranormal
The Joiner Report W/Guest UFO Mag UFO/Hunters Bill Birnes

Coast to Coast - June 6 thru June 11

Sci Fi Schedule - June 6
A & E: Independence Day - 8pm June 6
Sci Fi Schedule - June 7
A & E: Independence Day - 12am June 7
Sci Fi Schedule - June 8
Sci Fi Schedule - June 9
Sci Fi Schedule - June 10
UFO Hunters: Underground Alien Bases - 11pm June 10

Frtean Website


May 2009 Apr 2009 Mar 2009 Feb 2009 Jan 2009 Dec 2008
Nov 2008 Oct 2008 Sept 2008 Aug 2008 Jul 2008 Jun 2008