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Updated approx - 9:00am - 1:00pm - 5:00pm - 9pm ETPeter Robbins - Orgone Energy, Wilhelm Reich and UFOs
UFO ERA: More Idaho mutes, 1989: from Idaho statesman
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Brownsville, California
UFO Sighting: Myrtle Beach, South Carolina; Sept. 2, 08
Ask Doc Paranormal: The Stomach-Churning Demon, Part 2
A life of alien abduction - Message for Earth
No trace of plane or pilot - Tasmania's UFO Mystery
UFO Sighting: Crown Point, Indiana - 1967
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Peru, Indiana
The Debris Field - Diversity in Ufology - Leslie
The Heavy Stuff - Predictions - Rick Phillips
October 14th UFO Encounter: How to make this a reality!
CBS 11 tv -Texas official demands answers about UFOs
Men from other planets to appear in spaceships over NV
The UFO proof is out there
UFO ERA: Mutilation
A man's incredible alien and ufo tales - Whitley Streiber
"UFO" captured on camera over Purley Cross Tesco
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - San Marcos, California
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Beverly Hills, California
Video - UFO sighting 2008 over Congleton, Cheshire - UK
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Atlanta, Georgia
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Winsford, Cheshire - UK
Video: UFO Orb Fleet over Russia
Triangle ufo near a plane?
Man gets 12 years for wife's hanging in haunted house
Paranormal group plan evening of dining, ghost hunting
Ybor City Paranormal Conference Today - Tampa, FL
Looking into the dark can get you into trouble...
Going to Church and The Other Dimension - Dreams
Ghost Wanted a Lift - True Tales
6 Strange Experiences - True Tales
Paranormal State: Smoke & Shadows - Sept 8 10:30pm
Paranormal State: The Glove - Sept 8th 10pm
Paranormal State: Requiem - Sept 8th 11pm
Paranormal State: Beer, Wine & Spirits - Sept 8th 11:30 pm
Pub hopes to raise spirits for TV channel
Horror Channel comes to Michigan
Paranormal Radio - UFO Research Ted Phillips - Sept 9th
Paranormal Radio: Capt Jack w/ Angelia Joiner - Sept 12th
Radio: Bonnie Vent live from Hotel Del Coronado - Sept 7th
Radio: The Paranormal Realm w Rochelle Evans - Sept 19th
Radio: P.O.R.T.A.L Guest Hollister Rand - Listen Now!
Radio: Vyzygoth & Gorightly with Nick Redfern - Listen Now!
UFOs and Starpeople - How Fast Can A Satellite Go?

204 - June Alien Casebook articles on one page
198 - July Alien Casebook articles on one page
All - August Alien Casebook articles on one page
Updated approx - 9:00am - 1:00pm - 5:00pm - 9pm ET
McKinnon a 'scapegoat for Pentagon insecurity'
UFO Mystic - Debating UFOs - Nick Redfern
Behind The Flying Saucers-The Aztec UFO Crash
I Hate It When My Alien Is Overdone - How to cook an alien
Possible ghost skeleton captured in Edinburgh Vault photo
Haunted: The Siege House of Colchester, Essex - UK
Haunted: Hartsel, Colorado
Haunted: Bircham Newton, King's Lynn, Norfolk - UK 2004
Haunted: Baleful Inn of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma A life of alien abduction: Sunflower man in a Field of Aliens
A life of alien abduction: Sunflower Man Real?
Alien abductions in Shropshire over the last 20 years
“Roswell- Anatomy of a Myth” and Responses
Pt 2: The Collectors of Borrowed Dreams - Intangible Materiality
UFO ERA: Inside ufology - jan, '88
WIVB-TV News4 Ghost say: Leave me alone!
The Post tries to land evidence of ghosts
Ask Doc Paranormal: The Stomach-Churning Demon, Part 1
Did Life Come From The Stars? - Adam Korbitz
ESA: Rosetta fly-by of asteroid Steins press conference
Distant object found orbiting Sun backwards - New Scientist
Astrobiology Rap
Video: Ice shelf size of Manhattan breaks off -Canada
Oldest Skeleton in Americas Found in Underwater Cave? UFO Media Matters: Those Damned Blurry UFO Pictures
A life of alien abduction: Positive spin on our future
UFO initiative (Jeff Peckman) could cost Denver $600,000
Filer's Files #36
UFO Magazine Blog - "Accountability" To Whom? - Regan Lee
The USS Truxtun's Encounter With The Unknown
UFO Secrecy, National Security, Freedom of Information Act
Was The “Father Gill” Sighting A Classified Aircraft?
UFO and alien association in 'Appearance of a Man'
UFOs Seen in China’s Chongqing
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Aleso Valley, California
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Minooka, Illinois
UFO Stalker - UFO Sighting - Quemado, New Mexico
Another Phoenix Webcam UFO - Sept 5
UFO Sighting Reports - HBCC - Sept 4th
Riverhead Auckland, New Zealand Triangular Shaped UFO
London, Ontario, Canada - East London a V Shaped Object
Uxbridge, Ontario, Canada - Huge Dish Shaped UFO
Calgary, Alberta, Canada A Black Triangular UFO (Diagram)
Vancouver, BC Unknown Object Flashing Different Colors
Woodstock, Ontario Lights In The Form Of A Triangle
Windsor, Ontario Canada Three Rectangle Shapes (UFOs)
UFO Sighting Over London, Ontario
Darien, New York a V Shaped Pattern
Baton Rouge, Louisiana - object slips into four
Richfield, Ohio A Glowing Reddish Object
La Mesa, San Diego County, California Bright Point Of Light
Inexplicata - Sheep mutilation
Daily Grail - News Briefs - Sept 5th
Radio: The Case for UFOs with Jason Martell - Sept 11th
Radio: UFO Show With Aaron Moriarity
Floyd County Paranormal - Listen Now!
Radio: Lets Talk Ghosts - Sept. 11th
UFO Theater: Night Watch - The Gloom 2004
Ghost Hunter's Episode 14 - The Haunted Former Funeral Home
Videos: NZ Paranormal TV
First-rate "Ghost Hunters" premiere
Haunted Hill - Mysterious Pennsylvania
James Randi And The JREF - Rochester Paranormal
Historical Locations Bring On Paranormal Spirits Observer
Hen parties in for spooky time down Skinningrove mine
Discover Barnstable's ghostly history
Nicolas Cage refuses to sleep in his haunted house
Angry Black CloudUripok family abandons "haunted house"
‘1920′ was shot in one of the most haunted castles in the world
The Spirit's Domain
PFI - Alison Oborn on Ghost R Near
It's that time again - Australian Paranormal
The Search for ExoPlanets Intensifies
LHC will not destroy the universe in 5 days
Meteor Impact Simulation

204 - June Alien Casebook articles on one page
198 - July Alien Casebook articles on one page
All - August Alien Casebook articles on one page
Updated approx - 9:00am - 1:00pm - 5:00pm - 9pm ETUFO ERA: Inside ufology - jan, '89
Nikola Tesla - The Forgotten Wizard UFO hoaxer speaks out
Out of The Ordinary Festival Returns to Sussex - Sept 12-14th
Blather to speak at Dublin Paranormal Convention, Oct. 11th
Project Camelot - Audio interviews
Book links UFOs to Nukes
Argentina: UFOs in Victoria: Discover Supernatural Phenomena
Young Dutch Medium with extraordinary abilities
WIVB-TV - Ghost Hunters visit Buffalo museum
UFO and Alien association in film "Appearance of a Man"Stephenville: Texas Rep files complaints with FAA and DoT
UFO Hunters land in Lancashire
Everything is broken - Billy Cox - Herald Tribune
Eye witness recounts 1952 'Flying Saucer' Flap
The Federation of Light Has Made a Profound Statement
Letter from Above
Crop Circle at Etchilhampton Hill, Wiltshire - Aug 31st Phoenix Webcam - UFO's - Sept 4, 2008
Videos: NZ Paranormal TVVernon, BC, Canada - Unknown Craft
Vernon, British Columbia Taken By Beings?
Shropshire - UFO lovers excited by lights
What happening over Mt Adams - triangle Ufos?
Buenos Aires Province, Argentina Unknown Objects
Did UFOs Visit Medina, NY's Iroquois Job Corp?
Bob Salas' letter to the ABQ Journa - Leslie
Whitley Strieber Booksigning; NY Times Bestselling Author
Stockport Express Newspaper Article-Brian Vike & Nick Pope
Dreamland - Alex Jones - Freedom under attack - Sept 6th
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Bel Air, Maryland
The Men in Black: The Early Days-Paranoia
Investigators hunt for UFOs UFO mystery solved...or is it?
Essex UFO mystery is solved
UFO Sighting - Debris Field - Leslie
Alien visitation - Catching Jupiter
Daily Grail - News Briefs - Sept 4th
Catholic Daily-Other beings who are our equals if not superiors
Absorbing Orbs - Daniel Pinchbeck
Radio: Residual Hauntings - Sept 10th
UFO Paranormal Radio with (alien in the window) Jeff Peckman
Video: A Detective Who Talks To Ghosts
OBE Beyond the Universe - Your True Tales
OBE Massage - Your True Tales
Mysterytopia: Dark Figure Haunts Visitors To Oxford Castle
Historians partner with paranormal spirits observer
Ask Doc Paranormal: I Dream of Eskimos
Things that go bump in the mill
A ghost not to be sniffed at
A Ouija Experience in India
Canal Fulton woman takes riders on a paranormal bus
Video: Allegheny ghost
Sci-Fi Features Destination Truth and Ghost Hunters
Spirited walk is bring out ghostly past
API: Shedding light on the unexplained
Top Scientist Says He Believes God and Miracles are Real

204 - June Alien Casebook articles on one page
198 - July Alien Casebook articles on one page
All - August Alien Casebook articles on one page
Updated approx - 9:00am - 1:00pm - 5:00pm - 9pm ETShag Harbour Inaugurates its first UFO Festival
Where are all the UFOs?
UFO ERA: The Human Mutilation Factor
Aliens, flying saucers call for popcorn - The Denver Post
Flying Saucers: "Flying Saucers" to Aid Military in Battle
John Kules interviews James Casbolt
Paranormal is paramount at UIUC library
Experience the paranormal with Ghost Hunters
Time and Reincarnation Corona, California Lights Do A Figure Eight
Burlington, Ontario Triangular UFO
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Sugarcreek, OH - 1992
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Euclid, Ohio
UFO - Northwest Coventry - UK
Video: UFO near plane Aug 26th
Video - Ufo in the USA
Video: BBC - Nick Pope warns Aliens and Ufo will Visit us!
Contactee Book Find - Dino's Alien - Regan Lee
Alien Abduction: Ernie Sears of Southern England
Nova Scotia village uses UFO sighting to lure tourists
Radio:Jane Crown Show with Eugenia Macer - Listen Now!
Radio: Reincarnation, NDE's, OBE's, Ghosts - Sept 8th
Hot Para Talk with Floyd County Paranorma - Sept 8thl
Paranormal Radio - UFO Research with Ted Phillips - Sept 9th
Learn About Paranormal Investigation
Paranormal Society enjoys growth, popularity
Paranormal Investigator will train - Best Job Ever?
Paranormal Activities: Swedish lake Monster Video
Ghost Hunt Indy merges with Midwest Paranormal
MCC offers classes about ghost hunting
Anna Torv on Fringe - Sept 9th
Paranormal State: Hide and Seek - Sept 2nd 2am
Paranormal State: Mothman - Sept 2nd 2:30am
Paranormal State: Paranormal Intervention - Sept 2nd 3:30am
Argentina: Mutilated Cow Discovered East of Santa Rosa
Boingboing: Anthropomorphic cuddly lights
Why Metaphysics? Part 1 - Maria Duval
HBCC - Sasquatch Sighting At Campbell River, BC Canada

204 - June Alien Casebook articles on one page
198 - July Alien Casebook articles on one page
All - August Alien Casebook articles on one page
Updated approx - 9:00am - 1:00pm - 5:00pm - 9pm ETNUFORC's Peter Davenport talks to O'Hare Airport UFO witness
Don't woke em', let em' slept don't wake em', let em'
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Buffalo, NYUFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Langtry, Texas
The 2008 Alien Invasion of the UK
Another Approach to Studying UFOs - The Hive
Paranormal Radio - 10 Mysteries of the Solar System 9pm ET
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Philadelphia, PA
Iceland - UFOs?
Phoenix lander just watchin' the clouds go by - actual footage
Theoretical Ufology? - Mac Tonnies
Mr Petri's Project - Intangible Materiality - Bruce Duensing
Follow up of source's UFO meeting at the UN
Jimmy Carter's South Georgia UFO Sighting; 1969
The Aliens Are Coming!
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Ft. Collins, Colorado
UFO ERA: Morgue Mutes! Satanists? Saucers?
How to explain consciousness shifts
West Midlands Ghost Club investigate inside tunnels
LA Times - Ladies in Black haunt Rudolph Valentino's tomb
Michael Prescott's Blog - The Game of Life
American Indian Ancestry Traced Back to Six Women
Inexplicata - Mutilated Dog in Cordoba Wind of the Soul Updates UFO Stalker - UFO Sighting - Philadelphia, PA
US: Greensburg man documents surging reports of UFOs
The Ghost of Red River Update
Ghost Hunt - Sept 2nd 10pmNY Times - UFO related opinion - Peter Leeson - Freakonomics
The Gralien - Theoretical Ufology: Why so Hard to Swallow?
UFO Stalker - UFO Sighting - St. Louis, MissouriVideos: Bigfoot hoaxers say "It was just a big joke"
UFO Stalker - UFO Sighting - Flint, Michigan
UFO Stalker - UFO Sighting - Aberdeen GB
UFO photo - Obidos, Portugal, August, 2005
Video: UFO over Paris
Have girls solved the mystery of the UFOs?
Video: UFO-Strange ball of light - Aug 23rd GB
Orb Stuff: I'm Just a Nerdy UFO Buff After All - Regan Lee
UFO Magazine Green Room - X Rated World - Alfred Lehmberg
UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock: Sept 1st
Greensburg man docu ments surging reports of UFO sightings
Cannock Chase residents want answers over UFO sightings
The UFO Proletariat: 20 Questions - Alfred Lehmberg
Wales Helicopter & UFO Near Miss Documentary
Protest For Gary McKinnon, Home Office (London) Sept 2nd
Cropcircle season draws to a close in Wiltshire
Daily Grail - News Briefs - Sept 1
Three Strange Cases of Mass Hysteria
Paranormal Pastor: Spirits of the Penn’s Creek Massacre
Paranorma l: Your True Tales for September
New Online Resource: ‘Your Paranormal Space’ just launched!
Paranormal Investigation - Civil War Era
Anjelica Huston's film set haunted
Ghost chasers are looking for proof
Sitting in a dark vacant theater waiting for ghosts?
The Paracast with Robert Hastings - Listen Now!
The Paracast - UFO investigator Philip J. Imbrogno - Sept 7th
Paranormal Radio with John Vasquez's UFO attack - Sept 4th
Author of 12th Demon - Paranormal Palace Radio - Sept 2nd
Radio: Joe Citro and Passing Strange -(Fortean) Sept 1
Paranormal State - Hide & Seek - Sept 1st 10pm
UFOs vs. The Government - Sept 6th 4pm
Unexplained Mysteries - Touched by an Alien - Sept 10th 11pm
Unexplained Mysteries: Global UFO Warning - Sept 3rd 11pm
Psychic Kids: Sept 6th 10pm
Psychic Kids: Fear Management - Sept 13 10pm
Psychic Investigators: Jason Williams - Sept 6th 11pm

204 - June Alien Casebook articles on one page
198 - July Alien Casebook articles on one page
All - August Alien Casebook articles on one page
Updated approx - 9:00am - 1:00pm - 5:00pm - 9pm ET
The Celestine Insights - The Spirit Guide - Danielle Lee
UFO Stalker - UFO Sighting - Fortville, Indiana
UFO over Nordfjordeid, Norway, July, 1978
Westerbork, Netherlands, October 28, 2003
UFO ERA: Cattle Mutes hypothesis by Brad Steiger
UFO: Uncovering a national SecretPresidential Ghost Daily Tracking Poll - Ask Doc Paranormal
UFO Theater: Them! (1954) 92 minutes
UFO ERA: Inside ufology - jun, '88
Keighley, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom 12 Glowing Objects
UFO Sighting Reports-HBCC UFO Research - Aug 31st
Behind closed doors - Confederate soldiers haunting
UFO Theater: 20 Million Miles to Earth
CSI’s 'Scientific' Analysis of UFOs:Thanks, but No Thanks!
YouTube - UFO on camera
Florida ghost hunters joined by Tinia Ross
Ghost Hunting, Part 2
Wanted: One ghost leaderUFO Stalker - UFO Sighting - Texarkana, Texas
UFO Undercover - Joe Montaldo on human type aliens
Space: Cosmic Voyage
Video: O'Hare Mansion's Pink Lady Ghost
Video: Boulogne, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France - Aug 8th
UFO Stalker - UFO Sighting - Victoria, BC Canada
Radio: Joliet Paranormal - Sept 6th
Ghost chasers are looking for proof
They want to believe - New Zealand
Black Ops Psychic Warriors Among Us?
Alien Abduction: Message From Another Dimension
Westerbork, Netherlands, October 28, 2003
UFO Stalker - UFO Sighting - St. Caterina Di Pittinu, Italy
The UFO Show With Aaron Moriarity - Sep 3rd
Hinckley, UK Two Orange Glowing Lights
Tynemouth Pier North, UK Square Light
Palm Springs California A Bright And Glowing White Object
UFO Stalker - UFO Sighting - Kenora, Ontario Canada
UFO Stalker - UFO Sighting - Alsip, Illinois
UFO Stalker - UFO Sighting - McKinney, Texas
Richard's Room 101: with Nick Redfern
Who's watchin you?
Videos: Abductee dies from Heart Attack & Investigations
Steven Greer – Before He Was Famous!!
UFO /ET fantasy prone-paranoid subculture
When Ghosts Speak - Danielle Lee
Quantum Entanglement and Experiential Correlations
UFO Sightings - Sight Unseen
The Search for Extradimensional Sentience
An Invitation of Dreams
Steven Greer - Before he was Famous - Video

204 - June Alien Casebook articles on one page
198 - July Alien Casebook articles on one page
All - August Alien Casebook articles on one page