Updated approx - 9:00am - 1:00pm - 5:00pm - 9pm ET
McKinnon a 'scapegoat for Pentagon insecurity'
UFO Mystic - Debating UFOs - Nick Redfern
Behind The Flying Saucers-The Aztec UFO Crash
I Hate It When My Alien Is Overdone - How to cook an alien
Possible ghost skeleton captured in Edinburgh Vault photo
Haunted: The Siege House of Colchester, Essex - UK
Haunted: Hartsel, Colorado
Haunted: Bircham Newton, King's Lynn, Norfolk - UK 2004
Haunted: Baleful Inn of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
A life of alien abduction: Sunflower man in a Field of Aliens
A life of alien abduction: Sunflower Man Real?
Alien abductions in Shropshire over the last 20 years
“Roswell- Anatomy of a Myth” and Responses
Pt 2: The Collectors of Borrowed Dreams - Intangible Materiality
UFO ERA: Inside ufology - jan, '88
WIVB-TV News4 Ghost say: Leave me alone!
The Post tries to land evidence of ghosts
Ask Doc Paranormal: The Stomach-Churning Demon, Part 1
Did Life Come From The Stars? - Adam Korbitz
ESA: Rosetta fly-by of asteroid Steins press conference
Distant object found orbiting Sun backwards - New Scientist
Astrobiology Rap
Video: Ice shelf size of Manhattan breaks off -Canada
Oldest Skeleton in Americas Found in Underwater Cave?
UFO Media Matters: Those Damned Blurry UFO Pictures
A life of alien abduction: Positive spin on our future
UFO initiative (Jeff Peckman) could cost Denver $600,000
Filer's Files #36
UFO Magazine Blog - "Accountability" To Whom? - Regan Lee
The USS Truxtun's Encounter With The Unknown
UFO Secrecy, National Security, Freedom of Information Act
Was The “Father Gill” Sighting A Classified Aircraft?
UFO and alien association in 'Appearance of a Man'
UFOs Seen in China’s Chongqing
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Aleso Valley, California
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Minooka, Illinois
UFO Stalker - UFO Sighting - Quemado, New Mexico
Another Phoenix Webcam UFO - Sept 5
UFO Sighting Reports - HBCC - Sept 4th
Riverhead Auckland, New Zealand Triangular Shaped UFO
London, Ontario, Canada - East London a V Shaped Object
Uxbridge, Ontario, Canada - Huge Dish Shaped UFO
Calgary, Alberta, Canada A Black Triangular UFO (Diagram)
Vancouver, BC Unknown Object Flashing Different Colors
Woodstock, Ontario Lights In The Form Of A Triangle
Windsor, Ontario Canada Three Rectangle Shapes (UFOs)
UFO Sighting Over London, Ontario
Darien, New York a V Shaped Pattern
Baton Rouge, Louisiana - object slips into four
Richfield, Ohio A Glowing Reddish Object
La Mesa, San Diego County, California Bright Point Of Light
Inexplicata - Sheep mutilation
Daily Grail - News Briefs - Sept 5th
Radio: The Case for UFOs with Jason Martell - Sept 11th
Radio: UFO Show With Aaron Moriarity
Floyd County Paranormal - Listen Now!
Radio: Lets Talk Ghosts - Sept. 11th
UFO Theater: Night Watch - The Gloom 2004
Ghost Hunter's Episode 14 - The Haunted Former Funeral Home
Videos: NZ Paranormal TV
First-rate "Ghost Hunters" premiere
Haunted Hill - Mysterious Pennsylvania
James Randi And The JREF - Rochester Paranormal
Historical Locations Bring On Paranormal Spirits Observer
Hen parties in for spooky time down Skinningrove mine
Discover Barnstable's ghostly history
Nicolas Cage refuses to sleep in his haunted house
Angry Black Cloud
Uripok family abandons "haunted house"
‘1920′ was shot in one of the most haunted castles in the world
The Spirit's Domain
PFI - Alison Oborn on Ghost R Near
It's that time again - Australian Paranormal
The Search for ExoPlanets Intensifies
LHC will not destroy the universe in 5 days
Meteor Impact Simulation

204 - June Alien Casebook articles on one page
198 - July Alien Casebook articles on one page
All - August Alien Casebook articles on one page

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