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Updated approx - 9:00am - 1:00pm - 5:00pm - 9pm ET

UFO Stalker - UFO Sighting - Alta Dena, CA
UFO Stalker - UFO Sighting - Bath, England
Tolworth, Surrey UK A Large Triangular UFO
Barnstaple North Devon - UK 3 pronged black triangular
Kalispell, Montana A Bright Light
Middletown, RI witness describes UFO as a pyramid
Hamilton, Ontario Objects In A V Formation
Nixon, Ontario (West Of Simcoe) White Lights In The SkyNEW WEBSITE! Things that look like UFOs
UFO Sighting Reports From HBCC - Sept 12th
Downtown Toronto, Ontario A Glowing Orb
Vernon, British Columbia Strange Object Filmed (Photos)
Kentucy man photographs multiple UFOs - Sept 2008
Video: Bright UFO west of Prairieville, LA - Sept 9, 08
Vintage U.F.O. in Top 100
British Crop Circles illustrate complex theorems?RAF radar expert says, "tracked fleet of spaceships"
Press & candidates ignore evidence on UFOs and aliens
ABC Primetime -- UFOs Seeing is Believing - Sept 16th
An Alien History of the Moon
What To Believe And What Not To Believe? - The UFO Videos
Mutilations: An Interview With Raul Oscar Chaves Inexplicata
UFO - Cuautla-Morelos, Mexico, July 19, 2005

Dream Interpretation: Jane Teresa Anderson Pt1
Dream Interpretation: Jane Teresa Anderson Pt2
Haunted: Green Eyes in Chickamauga, GA - Sept 11th The Manifestation Experiment
Alright, Will The Real20Antichrist Please Stand Up?
Join The Spirit Seekers On An Exciting Yet Dangerous Quest
Preparing for the world’s largest-ever study of NDEs
Strange Maine: Kennebunk store landing place for ghosts?
Real Ghost Activity
Experience Haunted Historic Locations - Chicago
Do You Believe in Ghosts?
Disappearing, Appearing Trees - True Tales
The Hauntings of Rachel - The Paranormal Pastor
Pierre Says Goodbye - True Tales

Through The Keyhole Guest Lisa Davis - Listen Now!
Radio: Beyond The Edge Radio - Listen Now!
P.O.R.T.A.L Guest Sydney Fox & Cal Orey - Listen Now!
Radio: Beyond The Edge Radio - Sept 19th

Haunted History: Washington, D.C - Sept 13th208pm
Ghosts in the Workplace - Sept 13th 9pm
When Folk Tales Come True - Sept 13th 9:20pm
Psychic Kids: Fear Management - Sept 13th 10pm
Paranormal State: Sixth Sense - Sept 15th 11:30pm
Paranormal State: Housefire - Sept 15th 10pm
Paranormal State: Hell's Gate - Sept 15th 10:30pm
Paranormal State: The Messenger - Sept 15th 11pm
ABC Primetime with David Muir - UFOs - Sept 16th

Pluto Spacecraft Gets Brain Transplant
September Archive *August Archive *July Archive *June Archive
Updated approx - 9:00am - 1:00pm - 5:00pm - 9:00pm
Video: Amazing UFO Sighting - Houston, BC Canada
UFOs & StarPeople Houston,BC Canada - Light In The Sky
RAF radar chief: I saw UFO fleet
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Louisville, KY
Its a, its a, look look!
Vilcabamba, Ecuador - Sept 9, 08
Southport's UFO fire balls explained
Cockaponset State Forest, CT - July 20, 05
Haunting Breaks - UFO sightings in UK reach 150
UFO Media Matters: Aliens On Trial - Pt. 1
UFO Mystic - X-Files Interview - Nick Redfern
UFO Mystic - UFO Cut-ups - Greg Bishop
Zig-Zagging UFOs - Jason Offutt
The Paranormal Pastor: The Hauntings of Rachel
Haunted: Hialeah-Miami Lakes High School - Oct 18, 88
Woodstock, Ill - Public invited - ghost-guest encounters
Was the Stephenville UFO a National Security Threat?
Dutch Medium does NOT claim the ability to predict crop circles
Pt 1: An Alien History of The Moon - Intangible Materiality
New Information on the Condon Committee - Kevin Randle
Video: UFO sighting new to the internet-Houston, BC Canada
Photo: Saucer-shaped rainbow UFO caught on camera
North Wales resident baffled by apparent UFO images captured
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - James Island, SC
Prince George To Quesnel, BC Blue Colored Object
Detroit, Michigan An Object With Tail
Palm Springs, California Fast Moving Object
Ottawa, Ontario A Stationary Triangular UFO
Surrey/Delta Border, BC Round UFO - Spinning Top
Parkland Region, Manitoba Witness Pursued By UFO
Sarnia, Ontario A White Box Shaped UFO
UFO photographs from 1870 to 2008
Robert Hastings and My OMNI Letter
2009 Crop Circle Calendar by, Lucy Pringle
Daily Grail - News Briefs - Sept 12th
Videos: Gordon Cooper Describes His Close Encounters
Alien Insider - Very Strange Events Taking Place In Australia
Daily Grail - News Briefs - Sept 11th
Daily Grail - Robbie Williams: Above Top Secret
UFO Sighting: Aurora, Texas; 1897; UFO Files - Texas' Roswell
KAPS Paranormal Radio Now on CBS Radio
Ghost Hunters - So She Married an Axe Murderer
Approaching Witnesses
Haunted Ligh thouses - The St. Augustine Lighthouse
Hauntings Don't Just Happen at Houses
Cemeteries Are Full Of Ghosts, Aren’t They?
Gravestone Psychometry
The Man In The Rocking Chair - Your Ghost Stories
Do Ghosts Visit In Your Dreams?
Psychic Plea - True Tales
Where are the ghosts of 9/11?
Near Death Experience: Causal Theories: Postulations offered
Reality Sandwich - Lucid Dreaming
You may be more of a medium than the medium
Video: Leeds hauntings take center stage
Paranormal team finds its spooky at the pub
A Victorian Haunting Experience - Wyandotte, MI
Is the old Slater Mill haunted?
Ghosthunting New Jersey
Spooky goings on
Radio: Louise Aveni with UFO lobbyist Steve Basset - Sept 18th
Radio: ParaWomen with Amy and Kristy - Sept 18th
Radio: Lets Talk Ghosts - Sept. 18th
Radio: All things Paranorm - Sept 14th
Radio: UFO's andSpiritual Evolution - Listen Now!
Radio: The Floyd County Paranormal Society - Sept 18th
Radio: Paranormal Speakers - Sept 18th
Radio: Joliet Paranormal w/ Ghost Hunters Inc. - Sept 13th
Radio - Capt Jack w/Stephenville's Angelia Joiner - Today
Radio: UFO Undercover with Jesse Marcel Jr. - Listen Now!
Science: Strange Clouds Spotted in Space
Alien Realities: Extrasolar planets simulation site
Hunting for Meteorites at the Bottom of the World
Australian Telescope Leads the World In Astronomy Research
Hawking vs Higgs: Heavyweight Bout at CERN's LHC

204 - June Alien Casebook articles on one page
198 - July Alien Casebook articles on one page
All - August Alien Casebook articles on one page
Updated approx - 9:00am - 1:00pm - 5:00pm - 9:00pm
UFO Sightings around the world - Sight Unseen
Paranormal State - Coal Miner's Ghost
Watch out for this UFO (ORB) because it's not either
Aliens: UFO Files - Alien Hunters - My UFO Blog
UFO Stalker - UFO Sighting - Philadelphia, PA
UFO Stalker - UFO Sighting - Wellsboro, Pennsylvania
Stephen Michalak describes 1967 Manitoba UFO sighting
Letters to the Next President Regarding Extraterrestrials
Could Aliens use “C-Mail” to Relay Communication?
Geometric Crop Anomaly
Dover Demon remains a mystery unsolved
BlogTalkRadio - UFO Abductee survivor - Listen Now!Bright light wakes up 9 yr old child - burnt circle in field
Detroit, Michigan An Object With Tail
Westport, WA - gold UFO approx. 15ft across 150 ft
Garrettsville, Ohio a Bright Orange Slow Moving
Maury, France Triangular UFO Travels At Amazing Speed
Bush Hill Park/Enfield Town UK A Spherical Gaseous Object
Brockely, London SE4 Five Lights
Zetland Park, Grangemouth UK Orange Lights
Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire UK lights, yellow color
Ripon, North Yorkshire UK Approximately Golden Lights
UFO ERA: U.K. Crop Circle Hoaxer - 1991
A Shift of Attention - Intangible Materiality
UFOMystic - ET & Religion - Nick Redfern
UFO Mystic - Internet By Starlight - Greg Bishop
Flight over UFO Photos pits family versus newspaper
Nancy Pelosi “Wants to Believe!”
Ricky Gervais talks Ghost Town and Night at the Museum 2
Videos: 'Earth Lights' Following Earthquake - Sichuan, ChinaUFO Hunters are home from the UK - Photo Gallery-Leslie
Fight over famous UFO photos pits family versus newspaper
Alien Attacks: Secret Space, Volume 2 - Alien Invasion (1 of 4)
God and aliens
Daily Grail - News Briefs - Sept 10th
UFO Stalker - UFO Sighting - Mt. Vernon, IL
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Massachusetts
Second UFO alert in Derry
UFO sighting - Limassol, Debenhams Olympia Cyprus
Video: UFO Sighting - Sept 8 - no location
Paranormal News: Lucid Living, Dreaming, and Dying
Unknown Country - Do you dream about the future?
Daily Grail - Demonizing the Shepherdess
Inhuman Entities Who Ya Gonna Call?
More Gained Time - True Tales
Sleep Possession - True Tales
Ghostly Encounters: When Folk Tales Come True
Spartanburg SC - Get spooked on Ghost Tours
Haunted Skies- Ghosts of the Eastern 401 Disaster
Haunted History: Washington, D.C - Sept 13th 8pm
Psychic Kids: Fear Management - Sept 13th 10pm
Haunted: The Haunted Lighthouses of America
Ghosts in the Workplace - Sept 13th 9pm
"A Haunting" Hungry Ghosts - Sept 10th 1pm
"A Haunting" Hidden Terror - Sept 10th 2pm
Touched by an Alien - Sept 10th 11pm
When Folk Tales Come True - Sept 13 9:30 pm
Paranormal Radio with Angelia Joiner - Sept 12th
Paranormal Radio with Alexandra Holzer - Sept 15th
Radio: UFO Paranormal - Dawn Of Shades - Listen Now!
Large Hadron Collider claims its first victim

204 - June Alien Casebook articles on one page
198 - July Alien Casebook articles on one page
All - August Alien Casebook articles on one page
Updated approx - 9:00am - 1:00pm - 5:00pm - 9:00pm
UFOs & StarPeople - DON'T leave home without it!
UFOs & StarPeople-Hadron collider-First Tests Passed
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Sewell, NJ - 1957
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Florida The High Strangeness of the Process of Alien Abduction
Grey matters - Not My Imagination - Leslie
Radar Operator Witnesses UFOs in 'V - Formation'
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Cougar, Washington
Cockaponset State Forest, CT, USA, July 20, 2005
UFO Cacahual, Cuba, 1957
Poltergeist dude, or bad Pringles?
Shaky Dealings with 2008 Sichuan Earthquake
The Semiotics of The UFO Phenomenon and Syntropy
Bigger telescopes needed to find aliens - COSMOS Magazine
October 14 2008 Ufo Message Update
The LAPIS Blog: UFODATA UFO Conference - UK
Brits jeering extradition - Billy Cox - Herald Tribune
News 10 Now - UFO crash lands at Lee White Museum
China's Major Mysteries: UFOs & Paranormal 240pg book online
Crop Circles: UFO Diaries - Messages From Space
Download 275 UFOs Photo Collection from Year 1870 to 2008
Exopolitics Hong Kong - Neil Gould's Lecture at Mong Kok
Maurice Cotterell - Secrets of the Super Gods (Part 2)
Maurice Cotterell - Secrets of the Super Gods (Part 1)
Videos: Strange lights, beam projection - Surrey UK - Sept 9th
Close encounters of the wrong kind - South Bergenite
More UFO sightings in orange lights 'mystery' - Louth Leader
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Midland, Texas
UFO: Robertstown, County Kildare, Ireland; July 21, 2008
Wind of the Soul -Variation Inspires Creation - John Wolfe
Ten Great Places to Sleep With a Ghost
Edinburgh - Spooky prize for Ghost Fest
Wrexham Pub: Scary ghost stories to be told at pub
Spooked by a ghost? Not me! UFO Mystic - Paranormal! - Nick Redfern
Video: Paranormal Researcher Ryan Buell
Haunted: The Haunted Lighthouses of America
Shapeless Skinwalker - True Tales Chinese Ghost - True Tales
Ghost theory for mystery orb in Old Hall photo
The Valley Voice - Vermont Ghost Guide
UFO Radio: Nick Margerrison with Nick Pope on Kerrang Radio
Paranormal Radio - Capt Jack with Angelia Joiner - Sept 11th
Radio: Capt Jack with Thomas Horn
Radio: Paranormal Talk with Kenn Gold - Sept 16th
The Space Elevator -A Nano-Rope
Video: Galactic Diamonds -The Asteroid Steins
Goldilocks Solar System - Adam Korbitz

204 - June Alien Casebook articles on one page
198 - July Alien Casebook articles on one page
All - August Alien Casebook articles on one page
Updated approx - 9:00am - 1:00pm - 5:00pm - 9:00pm
New information on the Isaac "PACL" C.A.R.E.T. drones
Breakthrough Conference on New Science, ET Life, UFOs
No aliens or UFOs in here!
Culture of Contact 2008 Festival - Oct 16-18
UFO sightings around the world, sight unseen
Three more crop circle creations
Aliens might have sent messages by tweaking variable stars
Crop Anomalies
Patrick Burns - The Ghostgeek
Morgue Mutes ! Satanists ? Saucers ?
Even Psychics get the Blues
Video: Apparition on security camera - Kadena Air Base, Japan Daily Grail - News Briefs - Sept 9th
Daily Grail - Antimatters 2:3
Video: Deep Sea Ufos History Channel UFO sightings, but why would aliens visit Stratford?
UFO Magazine Blog - Wisdom From Outer Sapce
Where has our technology come from?
UFOs fact of life for Alice spotter - Australia
God in his great flying mothership
The Sheriff's Car and the UFO
UFO Theater: Timothy Good interview - Denver, CO 2007
Video: Amaury Rivera Toro Alien Abduction Case - 1988
Stanton Friedman appearance - St. Albans, VA - Sept 12-13
Whitley Streiber appearance- Scotsdale, AZ - Sept 13th
Bay Area UFO Expo - Santa Clara - Sept 27-28
More from The Great Dark
Explanation offered for Louth UFOs
Woodstock, Ontario Lights/Object - Photos
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Coquitlam, BC Canada
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Tampa, Florida
UFO sighting story
Video: UFOs over Stoke-On-Trent, Staffordshire
Crop Circle at Allington, Wiltshire - Sept 7th
Radio: Robbie Williams at Mt. Adams Ranch
Radio: Capt. Jack with Ted Phillips UFO Research - Today!
Radio: Reincarnation, NDEs, OBEs, Ghosts - Sept 15th
Radio: PRRS - The Castle and Beyond
Radio: Underground Paranormal - Listen Now!
Radio: Catacomb Paranormal - Listen Now!
Radio - Canadian Ufologist Don Ledger - Listen Now!
In It’s Image-Immortality
Haunted: Haunted History - San Antonio, Texas
Hauntings of Maine - Eastern Cemetery - Portland, Maine
Extraordinary Christmas parties - Haunting Breaks
Dare to tour the haunted
The Blue Man - True Tales
Psychometry and the Psychic Mind
Red-Haired Ghost - True Tales
Were the Ghost Hunters in Clovis last week?
Black Hills Paranormal Reports
Astrobiology Rap
It Came From Outer Space! - Adam Korbitz
Are Variable Stars A Galactic Internet? - Adam Korbitz

204 - June Alien Casebook articles on one page
198 - July Alien Casebook articles on one page
All - August Alien Casebook articles on one page

Updated approx - 9:00am - 1:00pm - 5:00pm - 9pm ET'
Keith Olbermann: UFOs, body snatchers & strange things
The Alien's Backbone – Part III
UFO Sighting: Britain's Closest Encounters - Episode 1
UFO Sighting: Britain's Closest Encounters - Episode 2
UFO Sighting: UFO Connection - Australia Encounter
Ufology and Theological Clarifications - Blue Alien
UFOs and ETs - A problem for the Church?
Another Approach to Studying UFOs
UFO over Crewe, Cheshire - UK
UFOs & StarPeople - Indiana UFO Witness - Photo
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Chicago, IL The StarPeople - NEW Interview - Jesse Marcel Jr.
The StarPeople - What Goes On In Skalitsa At Night?
Two more crop circle creations - UK
UFO sightings around the world - sight unseen
Video: What the heck is this? It's birds but you must watch
Goodchild predicts mass UFO sighting: will it force disclosure?
UFO Congress - For those planning to travel from the UK...
UFOs Change with the Times
Alien Spacecraft: Real, Physical or Virtual?
UFO ERA: Human and cattle mutilation
UFO ERA: Cattle Mutes hypothesis by Brad Steiger
UFO ERA: Mutilated cattle
Texas Official Demands Answers About Alleged UFO
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - San Pedro Sula, Honduras The Men in Black: The Early Days
FOIA Request to the Director of Naval Intelligence
UFOMystic - Intuition: On DVD - Nick Redfern
Book Review of "The Roswell Dig Diaries"
Book Review of "Beyond UFO Secrecy"
Anomalous Paranormal Phenomena & Charles Fort
How to explain genetic divination
Ghostly Image: Is this evidence of Norwich's ghost?
Ricky Gervais doesn't believe in anything supernatural
Ghost stories remain exciting storytelling Stephenville:Bambi vs. the volcano-Billy Cox-Herald Tribune
Reporters Thwarted...Not Allowed to Report UFOs
Skywatch: Cassiopeia points way to go to ET's home
Denver Daily - McCain offered ET info
Ordinary Teacher: The Science of Alien Exhibition
Why so serious? Alien Bluestar
Alien Realities: Robot Aliens -Cyborgs
UFOs in history
Ben-Gurion Airport - Man looking for UFOs at airport
How Remote Viewing Works: Dr. Simeon Hein Pt. 2
UFO Kaufman, Texas, January 21, 2005Odd Skies - UFO Sighting
Video of Images from South Central United States
UFO on a summer noon in May, 1932
UFO over Eugene, Oregon
Beautiful, Strange UFO... or Angel - True Tales
Crop Circle - The Sanctuary near Avebury, Wiltshire - Sept 7th
Daily Grail - News Briefs - Sept 8th
Hypnosis: Realities and Fallacies
Paranormal convention coming to Wichita Falls
Paranormal Phenomena: Photos That aren't Paranormal
Maritime folklore laced with tales of ghosts
The Ghost of Seri Malaysia
Tour Calgary's top haunts
Radio: UFO Research w/Ted Phillips Sept 9th
Radio: Thomas Horn - Sept 10th
Radio: Culture of Contact: Truthvolution2 w/Jeremy Vaeni
The Paracast - Philip J. Imbrogno - Listen Now!
Discovery Channel - "A Haunting" The Attic - Sept 8th 1pm
Sci Fi - Tales from the Darkside - 8am to 2:30pm - Sept 8th
Discovery Channel - "A Haunting" Dark Forest - Sept 8th 2pm
Discovery Channel - "A Haunting" Ghost Soldier - Sept 9 1pm
Discovery Channel - "A Haunting" Dark Wrath- Sept 9th 2pm
Discovery Channel - "A Haunting" Hungry Ghosts - Sept 10th 1pm
Discovery Channel - "A Haunting" Hidden Terror - Sept 10th 2pm
Unexplained Mysteries: Touched by an Alien - Sept 10th 11pm

204 - June Alien Casebook articles on one page
198 - July Alien Casebook articles on one page
All - August Alien Casebook articles on one page