Updated approx - 9:00am - 1:00pm - 5:00pm - 9pm ET

UFO Stalker - UFO Sighting - Alta Dena, CA
UFO Stalker - UFO Sighting - Bath, England
Tolworth, Surrey UK A Large Triangular UFO
Barnstaple North Devon - UK 3 pronged black triangular
Kalispell, Montana A Bright Light
Middletown, RI witness describes UFO as a pyramid
Hamilton, Ontario Objects In A V Formation
Nixon, Ontario (West Of Simcoe) White Lights In The Sky
NEW WEBSITE! Things that look like UFOs
UFO Sighting Reports From HBCC - Sept 12th
Downtown Toronto, Ontario A Glowing Orb
Vernon, British Columbia Strange Object Filmed (Photos)
Kentucy man photographs multiple UFOs - Sept 2008
Video: Bright UFO west of Prairieville, LA - Sept 9, 08
Vintage U.F.O. in Top 100
British Crop Circles illustrate complex theorems?
RAF radar expert says, "tracked fleet of spaceships"
Press & candidates ignore evidence on UFOs and aliens
ABC Primetime -- UFOs Seeing is Believing - Sept 16th
An Alien History of the Moon
What To Believe And What Not To Believe? - The UFO Videos
Mutilations: An Interview With Raul Oscar Chaves Inexplicata
UFO - Cuautla-Morelos, Mexico, July 19, 2005
Dream Interpretation: Jane Teresa Anderson Pt1
Dream Interpretation: Jane Teresa Anderson Pt2
Haunted: Green Eyes in Chickamauga, GA - Sept 11th
The Manifestation Experiment
Alright, Will The Real20Antichrist Please Stand Up?
Join The Spirit Seekers On An Exciting Yet Dangerous Quest
Preparing for the world’s largest-ever study of NDEs
Strange Maine: Kennebunk store landing place for ghosts?
Real Ghost Activity
Experience Haunted Historic Locations - Chicago
Do You Believe in Ghosts?
Disappearing, Appearing Trees - True Tales
The Hauntings of Rachel - The Paranormal Pastor
Pierre Says Goodbye - True Tales

Through The Keyhole Guest Lisa Davis - Listen Now!
Radio: Beyond The Edge Radio - Listen Now!
P.O.R.T.A.L Guest Sydney Fox & Cal Orey - Listen Now!
Radio: Beyond The Edge Radio - Sept 19th

Haunted History: Washington, D.C - Sept 13th208pm
Ghosts in the Workplace - Sept 13th 9pm
When Folk Tales Come True - Sept 13th 9:20pm
Psychic Kids: Fear Management - Sept 13th 10pm
Paranormal State: Sixth Sense - Sept 15th 11:30pm
Paranormal State: Housefire - Sept 15th 10pm
Paranormal State: Hell's Gate - Sept 15th 10:30pm
Paranormal State: The Messenger - Sept 15th 11pm
ABC Primetime with David Muir - UFOs - Sept 16th

Pluto Spacecraft Gets Brain Transplant

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