June 21, 2008 - JUNE 1, 2008
Rest In Peace – Danielle Lee
Rest In Peace…The Homecoming – Danielle Lee
Does Ball Lightning Have a Sense of Humor?
The Three People, who have felt the Alien Mind-Part 2 of 3
Google Earth: Top 10 British Crop Circles
Messengers of Deception
Mapperley Park, Nottingham Pulsing Rugby Ball Shaped UFO
A Dark Figure Haunts Visitors to Oxford Castle Unlocked!
Top 10 Best Haunted Places in Florida
Communicating with the paranormal in Petawawa
Haunting, schmaunting: Ghost Hunters are on the job
Reader Question: Ghost Hunting Equipment
Venezuela: Alleged Chance UFO Photographed Over Beach
Bumps in the night
The Allies of Humanity Briefings and the Ethics of Contact
Project Serpo: The graphic novel
Pasadena Couple Capture UFO Fireballs On Video
Flying Saucer Fundamentalists
Messengers of Deception
YouTube - UFO's from Illinois
Scores make UFO sighting claims after helicopter chase report
Ghost Children – Danielle Lee
UFO Over Puget Sound
State by State - Paranormal Associations and Investigators
Michigan 'ghostbusters' have interest in the paranormal
JUNE 20, 2008
Nexus of the Soul
UFO crash lands in school field - Lancashire Evening Post
All of the Answers about the Paranormal - Listen Now!
Encountering the Integratron in the Mojave Desert
Rapper Xzibit Stars In X-Files: I Want To Believe but he doesn’t
Dream Researcher and Psychoanalyst Dr. Montague Ullman dies
Britain’s UFOs (Uncovered Factual Objects) Sighted
UFO Sighting
Lots of Acronyms Tracking UFOs
Police Chase UFO Over Cardiff – UK June 20, 2008
Colin Andrews – Ball of Light – Military Helicopter Intervention
Something ‘Weird’: Author scouts strange Massachusetts spot
Update on UFO in Cardiff – Nick Pope
UFO Media Matters: Mind Talk
The age of alien archi-forms has arrived - Building Design
Texas town recovers from its UFO mania
Secular UFO Researchers Confirm Christian View
Reuters: Life in outer space? Japan astronomers hunt aliens
Aliens, UFOs and Other Worlds
Was I An Abductee?
Pi in the... field: Britain's most complex crop circle
UFO spotted near O'Hare airport look similar to November UFO
The Air Ship of 1896, pt 1
The UFO Allies
Upon A Simulated Field of Dreams – Part 2
Global Warming calling ET home
Alien Investigation
Sci-fi workshop for alien writers
Psychic to lead Surf City ghost tour – Hunt. Bch, CA
Iraqi People report seeing Saddam’s ghost in Baghdad
Who you gonna call? Why, the plumbers, of course
A dark figure haunts visitors to Oxford Castle Unlocked!
Ghost Personalities, Paranormal & Religion
Carlyon Paranormal Research Group - June 20
A message from the grave, convicts Pedophile ?
Knocking in the pipes inspires plumbers to chase ghosts?
Rex Collings - Classic Victorian & Edwardian Ghost
Grand Ghost Tour For Celebrity TV Psychic
Past Life Experiences
Creating the Paranormal
Bolton Mansion is Haunted
Groveland, NY Haunting
Where A Ghost Can Be A Kid
JUNE 19, 2008
Alien Encounter - A day in the life of…ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS!
Ufo blogger uncover the ufo truth
Why shouldn't aliens look like us?
Kemnay Ghost Sparks Search
I'm Not Afraid of Ghosts or the People Who Hunt Them
Ghost Hunters Claim Civil War Fort in Delaware is Haunted
Secrets of the Coral Castle
Philadelphia Weirdness - Ball Lightening
THEMIS' "Magnetic Flux Ropes" Are an Electric Current
On The Road To Roswell 2008: With Mr. John Carpenter
Video: Wiltshire crop circle is "the most complex ever
My Own UFO Sighting - - UFO Mystic – Greg Bishop
UFO Hunters to feature 1994 Muskegon County incident
UFO Undercover With Guest, Cameron Grant - Listen Now!
Heard Around Town: Calls pour in to UFO witness
UFO spotted over Colne
Is this the answer to Hampshire's UFO mystery?
Ring Drone - Ohio 12/01 Dragonfly Drone Eyewitness - ILL 12/31/05
Crop Circle 6/15/08 at The Ridgeway, near Avebury, Wiltshire
Creating the Paranormal
W.Va. ghost hunter barred from all-night cemetery tours
Ghost Hunter Gets Probation For Posing As A Doctor
JUNE 18, 2008
Opening NASA's X Files: Leslie Kean has Finally Received the Goods
United States UFO: Trinity, Alabama Bright Flash Followed by a Boom
Field Guide to Extraterrestrials
Cultural Factors and Flying Saucers
The Mother, the Child, the School Board and the Psychic
Don't Go in With All Guns Blazing
Victoria’s Black Swan Inn - Ghost, Vampire, Spirit and Paranormal News
Richelle Hawks - Medusa's Ladder
Recording EVP - Paranormal
Woodford Grn Second Witness Backs Up Ufo Sighting
UFO Alaska
New Photographic Evidence of Structures On The Moon
UFO in Kaliakra, Bulgaria
Gold Miners and a Ghost Town – Garnet Montana
Dark Things Afoot... Knowing What to Fear
Alien Photograph - Art
Alien Base on the Moon?
Victorian Ghost
UFO images and video by Dennis Whitney taken at Elk Grove, USA
The Rutherford Institute and UFOs and Aliens?
A Ghost Story
Alien Praying Mantis! « Bug Girl’s Blog
Millstadt: They're back! - UFO Hunters
On the Road to Roswell 2008: A Discussion with Jerry E. Smith
Ghost encounters of the Madsen kind
Ghost hunter avoids prison
JUNE 17, 2008
Upon A Simulated Field of Dreams – Intangible Materiality
Novice ghost hunters keep level heads
Second UFO symposium in 3 months to hit Tinley
E.T. hunters join forces with Mars Lander crew
“High Strangeness” Becomes TroublesomeMysterious Flying "Rods"
A Plea For Help – Shadow PeopleBlog Talk RadioListen Now!
Blog Talk Radio - The UFO Show With Aaron Moriarity - Listen Now!
The Parnormalist interviews author, Rosemarie Pilkington - Listen Now!
Real Paranormal Stories – Listen Now!
High resolution photos available now from Vermont UFO Sighting
Why the ET hypothesis supporters probably have it right, and wrong
Made in China, shaped like an alien spacecraft, flies up to 1,000 meters
Dark Matters: Secret Moon Missions and Disinformation
Astronomers find batch of "super-Earths"
A North Shore UFO? Two men tell of sighting off I-95
NASA Jumps at Patent for Plasma-Powered UFO Technology
Fright Seeing - Ghost Hunting Breaks
Ghostly goings on in Cheddar
JUNE 16, 2008
UFOs Chasing Plane in Aylesbury, UK – June 14, 2008
Stephenville MUFON report lacks detail – Angelia Joiner
NASA Jumps at Patent for Plasma-Powered UFO Technology
Video: UFO - Southeast England - June 16, 2008
Rest in Peace - Danielle Lee
A medium in the news – Michael Prescott
Master of metaphors and metaphysics
UFO captured on high quality digital by professional observers – You Decide
On The Road To Roswell 2008: A Discussion With Farah Yurdozu
ET eyes natural wonders of Queensland
Questioning The Unknown Side Of Ghosts And Demonic Possession
Photo of Damage - Romanian airplane hit by a UFO
UFO Sighting – Vermont – May 6, 2008
UFO Captured on Video from Airplane
On The Road To Roswell 2008: A Discussion With Paola Harris
Local Group Claims 14 UFO Sightings Near Del Rio
ET Secret Government Agreements to End, Galactic Freedom Day Declaration?
Is an alien invasions in the cards?
Ghostly presence felt at lighthouse crew station B&B
Psychic Kids – Children of the Paranormal – Premiers today
Fire Ghosts at the Paranormal Plains
Ghost hunters want to search retired ferries
They See Dead People
The Three People, who have felt the Alien Mind
Michio Kaku on aliens, SETI
The Anomaly Report - Report your strange stories about ghosts, UFOs, etc.
Video: Spirit Generated Orbs and Sounds
JUNE 15, 2008
BLAST FROM THE PAST1808 UFO report in Camden
BLAST FROM THE PAST 1865 -Trapper Witnesses Crash of 'Compartmented Craft - Strange Hieroglyphics'
BLAST FROM THE PAST -1887 - Fallen UFO A Message From The Moon?
Extraterrestrial Angst
Little Girl Lost – Danielle Lee
Now I Lay Me – Danielle Lee
Did you miss any of the UFO Hunters Episodes – Here in their entirety
Police Officer Abducted by Aliens UFOs 1967
Blog Talk Radio - Voices Cary Paranormal June 15, 2008 - 5:00 PM ET
UFO Magazine Blog – Did Howard Hughes view a Captured UFO and Occupants?
Hoax or not? UFO sighting alleged in Newbury
The Thomas Mantell Case Reinvestigated
Bright White Synchronicity – Orange Orb’s Regan Lee
Luminous UFO Object over Rambouillet, France
June 14 , 2008 - JUNE 1, 2008
The Initiation – Danielle Lee
Five Oval Brownish-Silver UFOs Over Moncton, New Brunswick
Astral Critters
Circular Shaped UFO and Phones Quit - Colts Neck, New Jersey
The Old House – Danielle Lee
Whitley Streiber's Journal - Drones
The UFO Landing on Presque Isle
Has Ghost Television Given Paranormal Investigation a Bad Name?
UFO Computer Hacker, Gary McKinnon Faces Extradition to US
Mystery Cruise Missile or UFO Video
NEW UFO Video Website – UFO Stream – Check it out!
UFO mystery deepens with more sightings
UFO Hunters Investigate the 1994 Holland, MI Sighting
Crop Circles in South Korea
Hoax or not? UFO sighting alleged in Newbury
UFO is sighted over Caerwys and Denbigh
Near Lyons, Illinois – A Diamond Shaped UFO
What was in the sky in 1897
UFO Hunters Rekindle Local Controversy – Grand Haven Township
George Noory, C to C Fame Ponders over White House run 2012
Blog Talk Radio - Speaking of Spirits -Listen Now!
UFO Beings Recovered
Carl Sagan– “Spaceships traveling between universes”
Spirits high for Lindsay event
Blog Talk Radio - Joliet Paranormal Radio - Listen now!
Paranormal Investigators – West, Texas
Reality versus Paranormal
Secret Government Team – Explores Unusual Phenomena
Hopi Indian Spirit Messengers Piloting UFOs?
Multiple Kansas City, KS UFO Sightings
UFO floats near Discovery
Reporter's Notebook: God, Aliens and Us
The Aurora: America’s Black Triangle UFO?
Ufology Research - Helicopter pilot sees UFO
We may be extraterrestrials after all
Another UFO Story from Alamosa, Colorado -1957
Aliens in Cuba? and Chile: Mourning a Ufologist
Pennsylvania Black Triangle UFO Sightings and Alien Beings
The Grudge - Danielle Lee
An Interview with Retired NASA Scientist-Astronaut Dr. Brian O'Leary
New to YouTube - Sydney, Australia Triangular craft - 1999
Mike Conley's Tales of the Weird: Pilot's flight remains a mystery
Blog Talk Radio – Beyond the Edge Radio - Listen now!
Christian Theologians Prepare for Extraterrestrial Life
Rundown on the UFO Sightings In Texas
Very Funny UFO Book Review
Doritos makes history with world's first extraterrestrial advert
The Golden Age - Danielle Lee
An Angel to Me - Danielle Lee
Kepler's Hunt For Another Planet Earth In Space – Cost, $150 million
Ghostly Vision: Little Girl
A Plea For Help – Bothered by shadow people
Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal
June YouTubes Worthy of a Looksee
Ghost Hunters find Florence Fascinating
Heavy Stuff - 'Real-Subjectivity' in a 'Material-Objective' World
UFO Sighting
New evidence in hunt for UFOs
A Monster under the Bed - Danielle Lee
Witness Says F-16's Chased UFOs Over Kokomo
A Billy Cox on UFO Undercover Radio - Listen Now!
Crop circle predicts solar eclipse
Residual Energies: Part One - Danielle Lee
Residual Energies: Part Two - Danielle Lee
The Psychic Closet - Danielle Lee
MUFON says nothing exciting happened in Erath County
UFO Hunters are looking for eyewitnesses
Who’s Really Getting Hoaxed? Part 2 - UFO Media Matters
Is Belief in God and Extraterrestrials Incompatible?
Islington Gazette - UFO sighting was kept secret for 20 years
Point Taken - Danielle Lee
Internet searches for UFOs increased by 267%
Satellites Or UFOS Over San Jose?
Are you brave enough to be haunted?
The Spirit Guide - Danielle Lee
Evolution of an Entity - Danielle Lee
Rare daytime fireball seen over Utah mountains -June 9th
Son of the Sun and Secret of the Saucers
A Deep Psychological Need? And That's a Problem Because? - Regan Lee
NASA selects MIT-led team to develop planet-searching satellite
Ghosts detected at historic city pub
Spooks, Specters, Ghosts & Ghouls - Sounds Like a Good Time
Decision time for International Spiritualist Federation
Blog Talk Radio - The Otherside Paranormal - Listen Now!
Blog Talk Radio - A Look Inside Paranormal - Listen Now!
To Those who Practice “CGI-diot” – Sport Without a Conscience
San Jose, California - FAA: Reported UFOs likely satellites
Free Range Hunting - Ghosts - Danielle Lee
Listen To Me - Danielle Lee
LOFAR telescope used in search for extraterrestrial life?
Elitism in Paranormal Research
The Psychic That is Me - Danielle Lee
Ghost Hounds
NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day Questioned
Blog Talk Radio – Aliens the Truth - Alien Abductions - Listen Now!
Blog Talk Radio – Religion vs Extraterrestrial Life - Listen Now!
Book Review: Explorers of the Infinite by Maria Coffey
UFOs: Natural, Domestic or Alien?
Chi Meditation for Telekinesis - Chi Shape Shifting - Video
Confessions of a Rookie Paranormal Audio Analyzer
UFO seen over Woodford Green
UFO files go down a storm
It's a Saucer Speculation
Blog Talk Radio - The Paranormal Hour - Listen Now!
The Surprising Spirituality of SETI - Wired Science
Will Aliens Destroy Earthly Religion? - Wired Science
Thai Politics are still in the grip of the spirits and the stars
The Ecliptic: Scientists Narrow In On the Best Shot at ET Contact
Hostile Aliens, Part Deux
They Never Went Away
The Secrets of Charles Fort
The Sheldrake phenomenon
The Invasion Was Televised
David Letterman to jump onto space alien bandwagon June 10th
The Lighter Side of the Paranormal
Spies, Lies, and the UK Ministry of Defence UFO Files
Not a bang, but a whimper
Underwater UFO’s
Should You Be Afraid of Ghosts?
Multiple Objects in Photographs from Lancashire, UK
Unknown Object in Photograph from Thailand
Who are we inviting in from the cold?
UFONAUT Radio with David Jacobs - Listen Now!
Ufological Surveillance
Le Festival D’Esprits Louisiana’s First Paranormal Convention
Peckman may be spaced out but Romanek is the 'real' little green man
UFOs Hit Romanian Plane - Bucharest
The best place to look for ET’s
Faithology UFO
Meet the man who sends shivers down your spine
Can Hauntings be caused by Dark Energy? - Season of Shadows
Ghost hunters more in demand
The Angels of Mons Revisited
The Paranormal Pastor
The Lineage Of Extra Celestials
New Paranormal Group In Ireland looking for Volunteers
The RMS Queen Mary: The Most Haunted Place in America
Old Hag - Incubus and Succubus versus Sleep Paralysis
The Intellectual Bankruptcy of Fundamentalist Debunkery
His ideas are a mile high - and beyond - Jeff Peckman
Russian scientist decodes Nostradamus prophesies
Planetary Potential from Protoplanetary Disks
Ghost appearances keep life interesting for local family
MUFON On Stephenville - Regan Lee
Jeff Peckman (Video Man) asks Barack Obama to back his plan
For the whole story on Jeff Peckman and what led to this, go here
UFO “Mysteries of the Universe” Conference – Kansas City
Embodied Quantum Paranormality – Intangible Materiality
The Unbearable Strangeness of Being – Michael Prescott
The Psychic Echo – Danielle Lee
Whitley Strieber’s Surgery Dodges Implant
Dad and daughter spot UFO above Preston - UK
Orange Orb - Chemtrail Connection
Why Paranormal Investigations Suck
Who’s Really is Getting Hoaxed? Part 1 – UFO Media Matters
UFO Undercover Guest – Ken Wright – Beyond The Dial
Ghost Hunting with Style
The Paranormal Realm – Rochelle Evans on The Gift of Mediumship
Of Relatively Incredible Things – UFO, the true stories of flying saucers
Everyday Paranormal at the Texas Folklife Festival
UFO Dive Bombs Elderly Couple
UFO sighted in Hermosa Beach, California
UFH's - Unidentified Flying What?
Stanton Friedman has a new book - Flying Saucers and Science
UFO explosion over Cambodia
Two Anomalous Images Found on Mars
Did you see the UFO in 1966 - Clayton, Australia
29 Phoenix Landing Videos
First Phoenix Landing Images
The Deadliest Catch - Fisherman Sig Hansen followed by a UFO
First Contact?
Aliens Get a New Switchboard - SETI
Returning To My Friends Haunted Home
Curiosity is not enough - Screen Memories
Stanton Friedman interviewed on QSO
NASA Uses art contest to look for future employees
Making Contact: Handbook for Locating and Communicating with ET
UFO during Fox Newscast Video
MUFON Reports with Photos
UFO Sighting - Tempere Finland
MUFON Investagation: Stephenville
Stephenville R.I.P. – Final MUFON Report In
Ladysmith British Columbia A Giant Black Rotating Saucer Hovering
A Strange Dutch Formation