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Updated approx - 9:00am - 1:00pm - 5:00pm - 9pm ET
Patti Starr Scares Me To Death!
Haunted: The Myrtles Plantation of St. Francisville, Louisiana
UFO Stalker - UFO Sighting - Chicago, Illinois
The latest 'Ghost Whisperer' Rumor - another co-star death
Ricky Gervais Gets a Real Scare at the Roosevelt Hotel
UFO Debunkers Kendrick Frazier and James Oberg
UFO Magazine - Recent photos of the UFO Hunters in Wales
UFO Stalker - UFO Sighting - Japan
UFO Stalker - UFO Sighting - Southhampton, GB A Different Perspective: The Great Roswell Debate
A rare phenomenon is reported June 6, 1797
85 yr old writes book on paranormal after 75 yrs of skepticism
Tesla Inside: Intel back at Nikola’s wireless ideas
Patti Starr Scares Me To Death!
UFO ERA: Multiple mutes in Idaho:1988 Police reports
UFOs, Sovereignty and Politics Ghost Hunting, Part 1
How To Report a Ghost/Monster Sighting
Soap stars to join celeb ghost hunt
Ghost Hunters Returns for a new season - Sept 3rdI have always believed in the extraterrestrials
Podcast: Electromagnetism - Universe Today
Dedroidify: Interview with Robert Anton Wilson
Mars Rover On the Road Again - NEW PHOTOS!
UFO - Ontario, Canada - Photos
UFO and Ferry to Bastoy, Horten - Photos
UFO over Mexico - Photos
Aerodynamic craft, Kaufman, Texas - Photos
Guernsey UFO - Photo
Speeding Spaceship, Toronto, Canada - Photos
Cloudships over a Shopping Center - Photos
ECETI - Mt. Adams - UFO Photo Gallery
Secrets of Mysterious World: Trindade Island Brazil
Incident 1929-SlideWard-Colorado - Photo
1927-Oregon Incident - Photo
Craplinek,Poland 1947 UFO - Photo
UFO Stalker - UFO Sighting - Palmdale, California Photos: UFOs over Rio Bravo, Tamaulipas, Mexico
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - San Jose, California
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Palmdale, California
Sharing ufo dreams august 2008
Lake County Paranormal Radio - Aug 30th
UFOMystic - The Types Of UFO Fans - Greg Bishop
Astropulse In Action - Adam Korbitz
Secret History: Top Secrets Revealed
The Secret NASA Transmissions - The Smoking Gun
Free Energy: Stan Deyo - Anti-Gravity
Ufos , Police and abductions?
New theory on the origins of the Universe and Humankind
UFO taped by Discovery Channel Crew
House of Echoes
Ghostly Canandaigua
Top ten creepiest corners of Great Britain
Radio: Dreamland - William Henry & Michael Hayes - Aug 30th
Real Stories of the Paranormal
Global Warming & UFOs – Grey Matters
Ghosts and Real Estate "ghost buster bill"

204 - June Alien Casebook articles on one page
198 - July Alien Casebook articles on one page
All - August Alien Casebook articles on one page
Updated approx - 9:00am - 1:00pm - 5:00pm - 9pm ET
When Ghosts Speak « The Spirit Guide
A Different Perspective - Kevin Randle
YouTube - UFO or Aurora over the City of Stirling April 9, 2001
UFO Stalker - UFO Sighting - Vandalia, Ohio
UFO ERA: More Idaho mutes, 1989: from Idaho statesman
UFO Mystic - Black-Eyed Kids - Greg Bishop
UFO Mystic - The Aztec UFO Crash - Nick Redfern
UFO Stalker - UFO Sighting - Lee Vining, California
UFOs described as 'orange lights' spotted over Louth
40 die after deliverance prayer
The Many Secrets of Top Private Paranormal Investigators
UFO Stalker - UFO Sighting - Spencer, Iowa
Secret History: Top Secrets Revealed
Ottawa, Ontario Object With A Shiny Metallic Surface
Peru, Indiana UFO Changes Shape Many Times
Minimum Mass for Galaxies Provides Insight on Dark Matter
Radio: Retired Military Policeman and UFO witness Aug 31st
Anti-gravity: Andrew Johnson - The Case for Anti-gravity
ET:Extra Terrestrial
UFO Media Matters - MUFON vs The Aliens - Joe Capp
Reuters - Portal to mythical Mayan underworld found in Mexico
UFO alert over Burnley
UFO Stalker - UFO Sighting - Dwight, Ontario Canada
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Reno, Nevada
UFO Stalker - UFO Sighting - Caboolture, Australia
UFO Stalker - UFO Sighting - Dorking GB
UFO Orb, Bronx, NY - Aug 23rd
UFOs - Northern Territory News
Vintage U.F.O.: Find of the Day: Contactee Book
The final lap - Writing The UFO Mafia - Greg Boone
Blast from the past: UFO Sighting at Luke AFB?
Church of Ufology: A Paradigm to Think About
Deep Sea UFOs - History Channel - Sept 13th 8pm
Lights Out: Political Nonsense
Fast UFOs over Sweden aug 23rd 1997
“The UFO” - Part 1
“The UFO” - Part 2
"The UFO" - Part 3
Alien Encounters - History Channel Sept 13th 10pm
President Truman Admits UFOs Are Real July 20th, 1952
Daily Grail - News Briefs - Aug 29th
Tesla: Technology - Life and Works of Nikola Tesla
HAARP: Angels Don't Play This HAARP - Tesla Technology
Crystal Power Converter Technology Presentation
Ancient Technology - The Extraterrestrial Connection
Secret History: CIA Secret Experiments
Radar: Tracking Distance
Telepathy: Naked Science
Lost Cities: Treasure Seekers
The Search For Extra-Terrestrial Genomes
Paranormal State-Videos:The Messenger & Demon of the House
Paranormal is paramount at library The Ghost of Port Arthur
Ghost hunt for charity - Chester, Cheshire - UK
Stay the night, ghost-hunt at the Putnam
The Blogsquatcher: Interview with Nick Redfern, pt. 3.

204 - June Alien Casebook articles on one page
198 - July Alien Casebook articles on one page
All - August Alien Casebook articles on one page
Updated approx - 9:00am - 1:00pm - 5:00pm - 9pm ET
UFO ERA: Inside ufology - jan, '88
The Alien's Backbone - Part II
Monsters, Monsters Everywhere
New Market, Ontario UFO Was Pure White Light
Conestogo Lake-North Of Guelph, Ontario Bright Light Sighting
Newmarket, Ontario Light Seen For A Short Period Of Time
South East Of Stratford, Ontario Fiery Ball Breaking Apart
Georgian Bay, Ontario Object Had Green, Red And White Lights
Over Downtown Portland, Oregon Unknown Object Filmed
UFOMystic - UFO Hacker Latest - Nick Redfern
UFO Stalker - UFO Sighting - Ontario, California
Still Mythbusting over the moon?
UFO snapped above Tesco
Mysterious UFO captured on film
Will earth's aircraft be flying saucers?
UFO Sightings - Croydon & Shevington Moor - UK The Gralien - Portal to the Maya Underground Discovered?
The Gralien - Absolutely Devastated, McKinnon to be Extradited
UFO ERA: Inside ufology - Sep, '88
The OrangeOrb: Late Sunday-Monday Orb - Regan Lee
The Most Haunted Man In America - John Zaffis
Scary speakers on way to Haunted Hickory Paranormal Conf
SIU contacted by law enforcement agents - CPTR
Poltergeists, vampires and ghosts.... all mean city is most spooky
American film maker Randall Nickerson's film on UFOs
Video: UFOs? UFOs - A Challenge to Mainstream Science
The big tent in Denver - Billy Cox - Herald Tribune
Quantum Entanglement and Experiential Correlations
Intangible Materiality - A Search For Extradimensional Data
The Gralien - Will Earth’s Future Aircraft be Flying Saucers?
Ancient Technology Lecture by Jason Martell
Earth's Atmosphere is Leaking into Space - Universe Today
The Awakened Ones - Danielle Lee
The Undecided- Danielle Lee
Crop Circles - British Columbia, Canada
Videos: UFOs - slow invasion? and police officers and aliens
Video: The abduction story of Carl Higdon
Hosted by a Ghost at a Haunted Bed and Breakfast
NPO to launch Hearn-inspired Matsue 'ghost tour'
Local experiences ghost encounters in Saint John West
The Gralien - New Footage of Alleged “Sea Monster” UFO Pilgrim - John Stuart Mill wrote in 'On Liberty'
Coming to America! - UFO Hacker Gary McKinnon
See UFOs for yourself
Coming to America!-UFO hacker Gary McKinnon loses appeal
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - St. Louis, MO
Grey Matters-Squeaky wheel don't always deserve grease-Leslie
Trickster's Realm - Turn that frown upside down - Regan Lee
Visions: True stories of the supernatural -Mike Keene - Aug 28
Christopher Balzano: Mass. Paranormal Crossroads - Aug 29
The Paracast with Nick Pope - Listen Now!
The Paracast with Robert Hastings - Aug 31
Arctic sea ice drops to 2nd lowest level on record
UFO Undercover - Talking about human type aliens - Listen Now!
UFO sighted in Mumbai - looks like CGI UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - North Highlands, CA
We have no idea what it is
UFO incident in Dabrowa Gornicza
Filer's Files #35 - Aug 27th
UFO mysteries deepen with more encounters
Alien Encounter In Aguada, Puerto Rico
Warning: You are about to access US Govt Classified...
Are UFO's Attracted Like A Magnet...
A Texas UFO Gig - Nick Redfern
Alien Realities: Biological Singularity?
Daily Grail - News Briefs - Aug 28th
Radio with UFO Synopsis guest Preston Dennet
"Don't Say a Word
Real stories of the paranormal
The Bible and the Paranormal Part 1: Ghosts
The Bible and the Paranormal Part 2: UFOs
The Bible and the Paranormal Part 3: Crypto
Atlantis: Beyond the Crete - Atlantis Mystery
Egypt: The Mystery of the Sphinx
Egypt: Age of the Sphinx
Egypt: Amazing Secrets from Ancient Egypt
The Search For Extra-Terrestrial Genomes
Are We Giving Robots Too Much Power? - Comedy

204 - June Alien Casebook articles on one page
198 - July Alien Casebook articles on one page
All - August Alien Casebook articles on one page
Updated approx - 9:00am - 1:00pm - 5:00pm - 9pm ET
UFO Magazine - Albuquerque Reporter duped by UFO debunkersUFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Sedona, AZ
UFO ERA: Inside ufology - Dec, '87
UFO ERA: Inside ufology - jan, '89
UFO Magazine - UFO hunters head to NT for evidence - Leslie
UFO Magazine - UFO Hunters in the UK! - Leslie
TV Alert: Mythbusters and the Moon Hoax Myth 9pm ET
The big tent in Denver - Billy Cox - Herald Tribune
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Kansas
UFO ERA: Inside ufology - jan, '89
UFO Update
Online Forteana Tonight
UFO Stalker - UFO Sighting - Pennsylvania Ufologists: Dr. Karla Turner - The UFO Masquerade
Horror Manga
CIA’s Role in the Study of UFOs, 1947-90 - The Hive
Leicestershire UFO Video
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - California
Alien life over Theale?
UFO Theater: Peter Graves - Killers From Space
Witness recounts multiple UFO sightings
Triangle Ufo over Phoenix, AZ Aug 19, 2004
An Ancient UFO Hotspot
Listening For ET at Mount Shasta
Photo: Mystery Carcass Found in Alaska UMMO: Harmless Prank or Hoax of the Century
Write to the general - Billy Cox - Herald Tribune
Video: Ghosts of the Queen Mary
Video: Abduction researcher Budd Hopkins interview
See the sunrise on Mars - Universe Today
Daily Grail - News Briefs - Aug 27th
Crop Circles - Vancouver Island, BC, Canada
Crop Circle - Quamichan Lake, BC, Canada
Cumbrae UFO story
UFO-style lights in sky confirmed
UFOs and Nukes - Robert Hastings
UFO Stalker - UFO Sighting - Dayton Int. Airport - Ohio
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Sun Valley, CA
UFOs reported during San Luis Potosi flood
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Houston, TX
Strange experience with UFOs
UFO Sighting Over North Vancouver, British Columbia
West Of Guelph, Ontario A Sphere With Symetrical Pattern
Dad has close encounter with UFOs
UFO over Maplegrove Minnesota
UFO sighting in Creech St Michael
Multiple UFOs in the Sky's of Thanet
PORTAL - Nadine Lalich - Alien Experiences - Listen Now!
Alien Abduction: Corguinho, Brazil; Sept.15, 2002
Videos: The Hidden Truth of UFO's and Extraterrestrials
John Hutchinson: Hutchison 2006 - full experimental footage
The right to access information is central to national security
X-Zone - This is UFO week - Aug 27th
Understanding Death through Consciously Living Life
The Daily Grail - New Rosetta Stone
The Daily Grail - Exploring the 4th Dimension
Dreams: Riding the Astral Plane: Invading Russians!?
Paranormal News
PRRS Radio: Paying the Toll - Aug 28th
Ask Doc Paranormal: 2008 Presidential Ghost Poll
"Paranormal State” cast visits NYSF
MCC offers classes about ghost-hunting
Is Asheville High Haunted? Paranormal Expert says No!
How to be a ghostbuster
Scream GB - Ghosts
Can you see the ghost?
So what ghosts did they find in Pentucket Burial Ground?
Ghost conference planned in W.Va.
The Best of Beckjord

204 - June Alien Casebook articles on one page
198 - July Alien Casebook articles on one page
All - August Alien Casebook articles on one page
Updated approx - 9:00am - 1:00pm - 5:00pm - 9pm ETParanormal Studies: Paranormal Segregation
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Wyndmoor, PA
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Mahnomen, MN
Photos: UFOs Over Sand Banks Provincial Park, Ontario
UFO ERA: Inside ufology - feb, '88
UFO Mafia - UFOs: The Sisyphus Effect
ParaExplorers - Meet Nick Redfern
A Fortean Interview - Nick Redfern
Chat with Nick Redfern In Mabus Chat ! ( Live Event ) Alien Close Encounter Abduction - Aguada, Puerto Rico
Brady: UFO or just my imagination?
UFOs spotted over Essex?
UFO Stalker - UFO Sighting - San Juan, Puerto Rico
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Columbia, SC
UFO Theater: UFOs - 50 Years of Denial?
Edgar Cayce - Decoding The Past: The Other Nostradamus
UFO Hunters head to NY for evidence
UFO ERA: An explanatory hypothesis of Aliens
Battlecreek, MI - Classic UFO Cases at Marshall Library
Quantum Entanglement and Experiential Correlations
Daily Grail - News Briefs - Aug 26th
Atlantis: Atlantis Uncovered
Atlantis: Dawn of the Gods from Atlantis
Atlantis: The Secret Brotherhood of Atlantis
Atlantis: The Secret Prophesies of the Apocalypse
Atlantis: The Return of the Light Masters from Atlantis
Immortality: Do You Want To Live Forever?
Ghost conference planned in W.Va.
How to be a ghostbuster
Skeptic 'Randi' Throws 'Friend' Under Bus? UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Stratford, CT
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Rio de Janeiro
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Charlton, Massachusetts
West Of Stratford, Ontario Fireball Sighting
Newcastle, Australia A Slow Moving Object
Lake Nipissing, Ontario A Cigar Shaped UFO
Saltdean, Brighton, UK A Circular Object
Barking Essex UK A Reddish Orange Color Flare?
London, Ontario A Green Light Lights Up The Entire Area
Great Sacandaga Lake UFO - Analysis
Videos: Is it a UFO or an IFO - Great Compilation of UFOs
Australians provide insights on UFOs and Extraterrestrials
The Gralien - Can You Prove Anything With Photos Anymore?
UFO Theater: UFOs - The Hidden Truth
The Debris Field: Grey Matters - Leslie
UFO sighting in Zimbabwe - UFO documentary prep
Grey Matters - Hot Spots and Hot People - Leslie
The UFO Fact Finding Mission
5 Star Review! I’m Tickled…Green! - UFO Mafia
UFO group claims to be receiving revelations from aliens
Green Spy Plane: The Solar-Powered Drone
Hitler’s Prophet - Erik Jan Hanussen
Radio: Culture of Contact: Jeremy Vaeni & Jeff Ritzmann
Want to meet a UFO?
International UFO Museum & Research Center
SETI & UFO Mysteries
Daily Grail - Tuesday Blogscan Aug 26th
Daily Grail - News Briefs - Aug 25th
Two Psychiatrists Beam Down to a UFO Festival?
Night with Aberdeen spooks
Ghostly Goings-On in the London Under ground
Embrace the chills of autumn with a ghostly weekend
So what ghosts did they find in Pentucket Burial Ground?
Videos: Banffy & Dracula's Castles - GHI
Scream UK: Edinburgh Castle
Radio: LCGH Paranormal Radio - Aug 27th
Radio: SWOGC - Live Paranormal Talk - Listen Now!
Ten Ancient Observatories
Atlantis: Atlantis Uncovered
Radio: Darkness - Nick Redfern August 24th
Georgia Hoaxers Apologize for Running with $50,000
Five more Crop Circle Creations - UK
Crop Circle Connectors based in Bristol
Is a "Little Ice Age" Imminent? -Maverick Scientists Say "Yes"

204 - June Alien Casebook articles on one page
198 - July Alien Casebook articles on one page
All - August Alien Casebook articles on one page
Updated approx - 9:00am - 1:00pm - 5:00pm - 9pm ET
London, Ontario A Green Light Lights Up The Entire Area
Radio: Darkness - Guest Nick Redfern - Listen Now
UFO Stalker - UFO Sighting - N. Woodstock, New Hampsire
Liddington Castle, nr Chiseldon, Wiltshire - Aug 23rd
Honey Street, Nr Alton Barnes, Wiltshire - Aug 23rd
Eastfield Below Knapp Hill, Wiltshire - Aug 24th
Morgan Hill, nr Devizes, Wiltshire Aug 24th
Eastfield, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire Aug 25th
Southeast's largest horror, paranormal convention UFO or just my imagination?
UFO ERA: Inside ufology - feb, '89
NASA - Strange Clouds at the Edge of Space
Nascar Scanner Makes Alien Contact
Stretford, Manchester witness mysterious Lights - photo
ESA Portal XMM-Newton’s massive discovery
News9 Oklahoma - Communicating with the paranormal
U.S. Professor Zecharia Sitchin's Planet X
Supposedly Smart College Students Believe in Ghosts
The Undecided - The Spirit Guide
Paranormal, Cryptid and Extraterrestrial Events Serious music for UFO and alien enthusiasts
Tortured Souls - Ghost Hunters International
International UFO museum and research centerMassive Increase In UFO Sightings
Streaking fireball a vivid spectacle in daytime sky
UFO - Pickering Nuclear Station - 1990, 93, 2001
Pyramid phenomena and Other-World Visitors
Video: UFOS - Rods, Orbs, UFOs
Stan Friedman on UFO Skeptics and SETI
Taiwan goes for greener ‘Ghost Month’
UFO on NASA Livestream July 15th 2008
'UFO attack' - Fears in the outback
UFO Radio: BIGFRAUD - guest Steve Kulls - Aug 27th
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Madras, Oregon
Ghostly Goings-On in the London Underground From Giordano's Shoulder-Alfred Lehmberg-UFO Magazine
Interference with Aircraft Equipment - The Hive
An Invasion Of Dreams - Intangible Materiality
Salem Oregon A Triangular Craft
Bountiful Utah Colored Objects Changing Shape
Lafayette, Iowa A Large Red Oval UFO Splits Into Two
UFOMystic-UFO Believer Doesn’t Believe He Can Brief Obama
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Stanfield, AZ
Paranormal News - Children book review - Monster Isle
The truth is out there in Dandenong
Dail Grail - News Briefs Aug 25th
Paranormal Radio: Robbie Thomas-Picture Readings-Aug 26th
UFO Theater: UFOs in the Bible
Where Has the Time Gone?
Do You Want To Live Forever?
Deep Sea UFOs : Red Alert - Sept 14th 11pm
UFO Photographs Received
Houston, Texas 20 Moving Round And Luminous Object
Cambridge, UK A Series Of 20 Or So Pinky Orange Lights
Learn Remote Viewing
Has NASA Embargoed Life On Mars? - Adam Korbitz
Is a Mega-Katrina "Hypercane" Possible? MIT Says "Yes"
Could Solar Flares be Caused by Dark Energy?
Grimsby, UK A Bright Object Shot Across The Sky

204 - June Alien Casebook articles on one page
198 - July Alien Casebook articles on one page
All - August Alien Casebook articles on one page
Updated approx - 9:00am - 1:00pm - 5:00pm - 9pm ET
Paranormal Episode: The Battle of Hanover, Pa.
Ghost Month Taboos And Ghost Photos
Ghost hunters international - Video: Tortured Souls
One more week to tour historic ghost town of Custer City
Arkansas: Close encounters of the ‘ghost’ kind
Harlow Essex England UK Nine Orange Lights
UFO over Kaneohe Marine Base, Hawaii
Size does matter for life, did it matter for the dinosaurs?
The Third Eye
The Theory of Orbs
Evergreen Oil - Blue Alien - The Hive
Gedling Village, UK Two Objects Glowing Orange
Bradford On Avon, Wiltshire UK - Orange Lights
Cheadle Hulme Stockport UK White Object
Grimsby N.E.Lincs UK A Bright Light
Barnsley Yorkshire UK A Green Pulsating Light
Harlow Essex England UK Nine Orange Lights
Stratford, Ontario An Orange/White Object In The Sky
Red Deer, Alberta Three Bright Orange Objects
Sandstone Lake, Ontario A Round Orange Glowing Object
Winnipeg, Manitoba UFO Stops And Changes Course
Winnipeg, Manitoba A Small Orange Light
16 Signs That Your House Is Haunted
HBCC - UFO Sighting Reports - Aug 23rd
Greenwood, Nova Scotia A Circular Saucer UFO
Bourne, Lincolnshire UK Object With Changing Colors
Prestbury, Cheshire UK A Series Of Orange Lights
Evansville UFO Sighting 8-17-08
Video - UFO Orb Fleet over Russia, August 2008
Now, Australia under 'alien invasion threat'!
UFO Sighting: Coyame, Mexico; Aug 25th. 1974
My Fav Ufo sighting - the 1990 Belgium Triangle
What are the most important UFO stories?
Videos of NASA/ATK Rocket Failure
The Academic Pay Dirt in UFO Research
UFOMystic - Time Travel & UFOs -Nick Redfern
UFO documentary
The Blogsquatche interviews Nick Redfern pt. 2
UFO Mystic-Erik Beckjord Has Left The Building-Greg Bishop
Black Box UFO Secrets - Sept 13th 9pm 14th 1am
UFOs in the Bible - Sept 13th 10am
Of Christians, Armageddon and UFOs
The Vampire's Ghost of Guadalajara - The Parnormal Pastor
The Ghost Place - Ghosts, Spirits, and Demons!!
Ghost Hunting Equipment - What’s In Your Hunters Kit?
Environmental Monitoring and Ghost Hunting
TOPS Paranormal Seminar at Secrest
How to explain the paranormal
Joliet Paranormal - with Keith Age - Aug 31st
Paranormal Explorers Capture Ghostly Apparition
BBC News - Video: Solar plane makes record flight
Big Brother is Watching Over the Red Planet

204 - June Alien Casebook articles on one page
198 - July Alien Casebook articles on one page
All - August Alien Casebook articles on one page