Updated approx - 9:00am - 1:00pm - 5:00pm - 9pm ET
Paranormal Episode: The Battle of Hanover, Pa.
Ghost Month Taboos And Ghost Photos
Ghost hunters international - Video: Tortured Souls
One more week to tour historic ghost town of Custer City
Arkansas: Close encounters of the ‘ghost’ kind
Harlow Essex England UK Nine Orange Lights
UFO over Kaneohe Marine Base, Hawaii
Size does matter for life, did it matter for the dinosaurs?
The Third Eye
The Theory of Orbs
Evergreen Oil - Blue Alien - The Hive
Gedling Village, UK Two Objects Glowing Orange
Bradford On Avon, Wiltshire UK - Orange Lights
Cheadle Hulme Stockport UK White Object
Grimsby N.E.Lincs UK A Bright Light
Barnsley Yorkshire UK A Green Pulsating Light
Harlow Essex England UK Nine Orange Lights
Stratford, Ontario An Orange/White Object In The Sky
Red Deer, Alberta Three Bright Orange Objects
Sandstone Lake, Ontario A Round Orange Glowing Object
Winnipeg, Manitoba UFO Stops And Changes Course
Winnipeg, Manitoba A Small Orange Light
16 Signs That Your House Is Haunted
HBCC - UFO Sighting Reports - Aug 23rd
Greenwood, Nova Scotia A Circular Saucer UFO
Bourne, Lincolnshire UK Object With Changing Colors
Prestbury, Cheshire UK A Series Of Orange Lights
Evansville UFO Sighting 8-17-08
Video - UFO Orb Fleet over Russia, August 2008
Now, Australia under 'alien invasion threat'!
UFO Sighting: Coyame, Mexico; Aug 25th. 1974
My Fav Ufo sighting - the 1990 Belgium Triangle
What are the most important UFO stories?
Videos of NASA/ATK Rocket Failure
The Academic Pay Dirt in UFO Research
UFOMystic - Time Travel & UFOs -Nick Redfern
UFO documentary
The Blogsquatche interviews Nick Redfern pt. 2
UFO Mystic-Erik Beckjord Has Left The Building-Greg Bishop
Black Box UFO Secrets - Sept 13th 9pm 14th 1am
UFOs in the Bible - Sept 13th 10am
Of Christians, Armageddon and UFOs
The Vampire's Ghost of Guadalajara - The Parnormal Pastor
The Ghost Place - Ghosts, Spirits, and Demons!!
Ghost Hunting Equipment - What’s In Your Hunters Kit?
Environmental Monitoring and Ghost Hunting
TOPS Paranormal Seminar at Secrest
How to explain the paranormal
Joliet Paranormal - with Keith Age - Aug 31st
Paranormal Explorers Capture Ghostly Apparition
BBC News - Video: Solar plane makes record flight
Big Brother is Watching Over the Red Planet

204 - June Alien Casebook articles on one page
198 - July Alien Casebook articles on one page
All - August Alien Casebook articles on one page

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