Updated approx - 9:00am - 1:00pm - 5:00pm - 9pm ET
Paranormal Studies: Paranormal Segregation
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Wyndmoor, PA
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Mahnomen, MN
Photos: UFOs Over Sand Banks Provincial Park, Ontario
UFO ERA: Inside ufology - feb, '88
UFO Mafia - UFOs: The Sisyphus Effect
ParaExplorers - Meet Nick Redfern
A Fortean Interview - Nick Redfern
Chat with Nick Redfern In Mabus Chat ! ( Live Event )
Alien Close Encounter Abduction - Aguada, Puerto Rico
Brady: UFO or just my imagination?
UFOs spotted over Essex?
UFO Stalker - UFO Sighting - San Juan, Puerto Rico
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Columbia, SC
UFO Theater: UFOs - 50 Years of Denial?
Edgar Cayce - Decoding The Past: The Other Nostradamus
UFO Hunters head to NY for evidence
UFO ERA: An explanatory hypothesis of Aliens
Battlecreek, MI - Classic UFO Cases at Marshall Library
Quantum Entanglement and Experiential Correlations
Daily Grail - News Briefs - Aug 26th
Atlantis: Atlantis Uncovered
Atlantis: Dawn of the Gods from Atlantis
Atlantis: The Secret Brotherhood of Atlantis
Atlantis: The Secret Prophesies of the Apocalypse
Atlantis: The Return of the Light Masters from Atlantis
Immortality: Do You Want To Live Forever?
Ghost conference planned in W.Va.
How to be a ghostbuster
Skeptic 'Randi' Throws 'Friend' Under Bus?
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Stratford, CT
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Rio de Janeiro
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Charlton, Massachusetts
West Of Stratford, Ontario Fireball Sighting
Newcastle, Australia A Slow Moving Object
Lake Nipissing, Ontario A Cigar Shaped UFO
Saltdean, Brighton, UK A Circular Object
Barking Essex UK A Reddish Orange Color Flare?
London, Ontario A Green Light Lights Up The Entire Area
Great Sacandaga Lake UFO - Analysis
Videos: Is it a UFO or an IFO - Great Compilation of UFOs
Australians provide insights on UFOs and Extraterrestrials
The Gralien - Can You Prove Anything With Photos Anymore?
UFO Theater: UFOs - The Hidden Truth
The Debris Field: Grey Matters - Leslie
UFO sighting in Zimbabwe - UFO documentary prep
Grey Matters - Hot Spots and Hot People - Leslie
The UFO Fact Finding Mission
5 Star Review! I’m Tickled…Green! - UFO Mafia
UFO group claims to be receiving revelations from aliens
Green Spy Plane: The Solar-Powered Drone
Hitler’s Prophet - Erik Jan Hanussen
Radio: Culture of Contact: Jeremy Vaeni & Jeff Ritzmann
Want to meet a UFO?
International UFO Museum & Research Center
SETI & UFO Mysteries
Daily Grail - Tuesday Blogscan Aug 26th
Daily Grail - News Briefs - Aug 25th
Two Psychiatrists Beam Down to a UFO Festival?
Night with Aberdeen spooks
Ghostly Goings-On in the London Under ground
Embrace the chills of autumn with a ghostly weekend
So what ghosts did they find in Pentucket Burial Ground?
Videos: Banffy & Dracula's Castles - GHI
Scream UK: Edinburgh Castle
Radio: LCGH Paranormal Radio - Aug 27th
Radio: SWOGC - Live Paranormal Talk - Listen Now!
Ten Ancient Observatories
Atlantis: Atlantis Uncovered
Radio: Darkness - Nick Redfern August 24th
Georgia Hoaxers Apologize for Running with $50,000
Five more Crop Circle Creations - UK
Crop Circle Connectors based in Bristol
Is a "Little Ice Age" Imminent? -Maverick Scientists Say "Yes"

204 - June Alien Casebook articles on one page
198 - July Alien Casebook articles on one page
All - August Alien Casebook articles on one page

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