Updated approx - 9:00am - 1:00pm - 5:00pm - 9pm ET

UFO Stalker UFO sighting - Matteson, IL - Aug 08
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Shreveport, Louisiana
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Baltimore, Maryland - 1952
UFO Stalker - Possible Abduction - Vista, California - 1996
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Alexandria, VA - 1956
Hawaii - Who wants to see a ufo here?
UFO over Concord?
Here's one UFO explanation - Concord UFO
Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England Circular Lights
UFO over Arrecife Airport, Lanzarote Canary Islands- 8/20
Video: Possible UFO During Mexican Military Parade
Is this really a UFO? Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire
Could this explain the UFO mystery? - S. Tyneside
Alien Abduction: Beyond Five Senses
You Tube has taken off the #1 video poster - aceBryan7ox
Daily Grail - News Briefs - Sept 18th
Comments: More ABC Primetime UFO special fallout
Comments: The OrangeOrb: Seeing Is Believing - Regan Lee
Stephenville Texas: The New Roswell?
UFOs hunted in Needles - UFO Hunter's producer checks it out
UK crop circles summer 1991
Crop Circles: Circle Chasers - 2007
Lucian of Samosata and the First “Space Epic”
Dark Destinations-The suicide & ghost of the Hollywood sign
Most Haunted Mansion In Japan - Paranormal Insight
Curmudgeon over Manhattan
The New Great American Sport!-Paranormal example
Ghost Theory- Phone calls from a Metrolink train crash victim?
Ghostbusting crew returns to Long Banta Home
Paranormal community, your comments are needed!
Enlightened Einstein - The Spirit Guide - Danielle Lee
Fairies and UFOs?
How to start your own ghost hunting group
Video: NZ Paranormal Episode 5
Travel site asks for paranormal submissions, debunkings
Ghost hunters heading for spooky festival in York
Video: Ghost Train Video Entering the 'spirit' world
Destination Truth - Haunted Cave - Burunjor
Where the Ley Lines led
One day you'll be dead
'Necropolis' houses the paranormal and the criminal
The Himuro Mansion Haunting
Is Your Home Haunted? - Rochester Paranormal
Bizarre Pigeon Story - True Tales
Multiple Personality & Demonic Possession
Bedroom Portal - True Tales
CT Ghosts and Mediumship 101 this Saturday! Sept 20th
Gray Chupacabras in Michigan - True Tales

Recipe - "Bloodshot Eyeballs"
Recipe - "Boo the Ghost"
Recipes - "Black Lagoon"
Recipe - "Bubbling Cauldron"

Radio: Church of Ufology - Sept 18th
Radio: Leinster paranormal - Sept 18th
Radio: HM Paranormal - EVP talk- Sept 18th
Radio: Paranormal Speakers - Sept 18th
Everyday Paranormal - Lizzie Borden broadcast - Sept 18th
Radio: ParaWomen with Amy and Kristy - Sept 18th
Radio: Lets Talk Ghosts - Sept. 18th
Radio: The Floyd County Paranormal Society - Sept 18th
Radio: Royce Holleman w/ Edgar Mitchell - Sept 19th
Radio: Beyond The Edge Radio - Sept 19th
Radio: Joliet Paranormal Radio - Sept 20th
The Paracast w/ Lisa Lindley - demonic haunting - Sept 21st
Radio: Paranormal Alaska - Sept 21st
RTSC on KAPS Paranormal Radio - Sept 21
Paranormal Radio with John Greenwald Jr - Sept 22nd
Radio : Haunted Times - The Mason House Inn - Sept 24th
Radio: Spirit Finders Radio w/ psychic Robbie Thomas - Sept 24th
Radio: Residual Hauntings - Sept 24th

UFO Undercover guest Miriam Delicado - Listen Now!
Radio: Spookapalooza - Listen Now!
Radio: Dawn of Shades w/ Desmond Green - Listen Now!
Radio: The search for the theory of everything - Listen Now!
Radio: The Unexplained World - Listen Now!
Catacomb Paranormal Radio Show - Listen Now!
Radio:'s Stephen Wagner - Listen Now!
Radio: Eye to the sky guest James Clarkson - Listen Now!
Dreamland: Marla Frees near death experience - Listen Now!

Psychic Kids: The Demon House - Sept 20th 10pm
The Unexplained: Modern Psychics - Sept 20th 3pm
Ghostly Encounters: Uninvited Housemates - Sept 20th 9pm
Ghostly Encounters: Growing Up Ghostly - Sept 20th 9:10pm
New UFO Revelations: The Gray's Agenda - Sept 24 11pm

Science: Could inner zombie be controlling your brain?
Daily Grail - Science Anarchy in the UK
Super-massive and Small Black Holes Both Suck

September Archive *August Archive *July Archive *June Archive

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