More lights spotted in Stephenville skies
UFO - My Story And Families Encounters
Pueblo, CO five White Lights Horizontal Direction
Saddleback Mountain, CA - UFO Makes Strange Maneuvers
Tuscola, Douglas County, Illinois Triangle
Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta - UFOs Rotating
Shediac, NB Saucer Shaped UFO
Barnstaple North Devon England Circle Of Light
UFO Eye Candy: UFO's over The Netherlands - Oct 24
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Harrisburg, PA
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - North Carolina
UFO Sighting Happening In Texas

What are Flying Saucers and Ufos ?
UFO special: Is this a UFO and police report lights in sky
UFO Proletariat: Joseph Capp's Certainty Principle
Disclosure & destruction of official australian UFO files
Retro UFOlogy from 1953 - Posthuman Blues
Land of Enchantment: The Legacy of Roswell - Lesley
Ex-RAF man Alan Turner tells of UFOs encounter
'I didn't know what this thing was'
An Encounter With Robert Lee - Intangible Materiality
’68 UFO run-in at ND air base still unresolved
UFO HUNTERS - Sneak preview videos & episode guide
Some possible reasons behind the mystery of Roswell
Secrets! 2008 - what the mainstream media won't tell you
Study: paranormal, spiritual beliefs aren't treated equally
HDR Photos - Countdown to Halloween
Terri Rainer: Ghosts Screwin With Ya
The Terror of the Omega Men - The Paranormal Pastor
Paranormal State: New Episode "I AM SIX" - Oct 27
Texas military group investigate paranormal phenomenon
Paranormal investigator returns Oct. 30
Trick or Treat : cvilleSTYLE
Messengers From The Other Side In Marshall, Texas
Encounters of the Unexplained: Video Evidence of Ghosts
The Real Story Behind the World's Most Famous Hauntings
Paranormal WatchDog: What Gives Us The Right?
The ten most haunted paranormal books - 2008
Union Station: 'Night at the Museum' w/paranormal hunters
Local paranormal experts have a scary-good time
Ghosthunters Get Busy During Halloween
Halloween: A chilly welcome from mine ghost
Local woman says she speaks to ghosts
America's scariest ghost town
Wausau Paranormal Society speaks to Newsline 9
Pursuit of the Paranormal hosting seminar - Petaluma, CA
Videos: Ghost Hunters - Theodores' Tavern
Crypto's Loren Coleman sues The Hills - Lauren Conrad

Hopping Creature - True Tales
Sensed Father's Illness - True Tales
Decorator Ghost - True Tales
Strange Encounters - True Tales

Recipes - Backbones
Recipes - Roasted Pumpkin Seeds
Recipes - Baked Brains
Recipes - Baked Garlic Bundles
Recipes - Banana Caterpillars

Halloween Resources: Halloween Movies and Music
Halloween Resources: Halloween High-Tech
Halloween Resources: Halloween Crafts
Halloween Resources: Halloween Recipes

Click on picture for this weeks
UFO, alien & paranormal radio schedule
Radio: Ghost Hunter Laurie Hull - Oct 25
Radio: BoA season premiere guest Jim Marrs - Oct 25
Radio: Dreamland w/Jim Marrs - Oct 25

Radio: Paranormal Night with James Randi and Nick Redfern
Radio: Haunting Encounters
Radio: P.O.R.T.A.L. w/Jeff Belanger
PRRS Radio w/guest Steven Raebel
Radio: Paranormal Radio - UFO's with Robert Hastings
Radio: GCOM ParaRadio w/guest Debbie Edwards
Paranormal Radio w/ UFO's with Robert Hastings
Radio: Beyond The Edge

Click TV Guide for all weekly UFO,
alien and paranormal programming
Sci Fi Channel: Schedule - Oct 25
A & E: Paranormal State: Vegas - 1:30pm 25th
A & E: Paranormal State: The Ladder - 2pm 25th
A & E: Paranormal State: Hell's Gate - 2:30 25th
A & E: Paranormal State: Smoke & Shadows - 3pm 25th
Ghost Adventures - Bobby Mackey Music World - 8pm 25th
Ghost Adventures Houghton Mansion - 9 & 10pm 25th
Bio:Psychic Kids: Night Terrors - 10pm 25th
Travel Channel: Coal House Fort Night - 11pm 25th
Bio:Psychic Investigators: Darryl Cozart - 11pm 25th
Bio: Psychic Investigators: Lawrence Mbroh - 11:30pm 25th

Could Strange Mars Craters be from a Fallen Third Moon?

Click picture for video and click here for entire story

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