Updated approx - 9:00am - 1:00pm - 5:00pm - 9pm ET

UFO Sighting: Northport, NY- Sept 24th
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Dallas/Fort Worth Airport-Texas
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Sept 24th
NW Penrith, Cumbria UK-Unk Object And Call To The Police
Louis Head Beach, Nova Scotia Object Lit Up The Ocean
Barrie, Ontario Object Comes To A Dead Stop
Over Cobourg, Ontario A Big Orange Ball
San Clemente, Calif - A Rectangular Shaped UFO
Near Lake Lanier, North Georgia Low Flying Bright Light
Queensland, Australia An Egg Shaped Metallic UFO
St. Thomas, Ontario Three Silent Glowing Oval Disks
Solved: The mystery of the St Lawrence UFOs
Part One: Rearranging Quantum Markers
"Get ready Alabama"-The aliens are coming & droves of people
UFO Mystic - Abductions, UFOs & More - Nick Redfern
A Town in Texas Ponders Mystery of 1897 Spaceman
UFO's over Swiss airport Zurich-Kloten, 1966
UFO ERA: Sources of books/research material on Keely
Vintage UFO - "They Live"
Daily Grail - News Briefs - Sept 26th
UFOs Make Headlines… Where? (Take a Guess)
Paranormal State to Air the Visit to James Gilliland ECETI
Paranormal State - Sometimes, I do not make the best decisions
Speaking With the Dead
Were there Apollo Missions that Followed Apollo 17?
Pupils living in fear as ‘ghosts’ invade school
The America Financial Collapse and the American 'Indian Curse'
Prince Charles set to visit haunted castle
Ghost of the Handy Man True Tales
I talk to the dead
A scary business: Firm steps up for Halloween season
Parascience And Its Effect On Natural Resource Development
Strange Being Crossing the Road - True Tales
Healing Light Being - True Tales
Are spirits roaming the halls of a local landmark?

Radio: GCOM Para Radio - A night with Nick - Sept 26th
Radio: Steven Raebel w/Debbie Edwards - Sept 27th
Radio: Royce Holleman-Christianity & Paranormal-Sep 28th
Radio: ISIS Paranormal - Rose Rosetree - Sept 28th
The Paracast - UFO researcher Paola Harris - Sept 28th

Radio: Paranormal Reality - Demonology and ghost talk
Radio: Capt Jack w/ Bruce Maccabee
Radio: CCSC Paranormal show with Mission City Paranormal
Radio: Southern Paranormal
Radio: Paranormal Speakers
Radio: Beth Brown and the Ghosts of Virginia Battlefields!
A Glimpse Through The Veil - The Sallie House - Listen Now!
UFO Paranormal Radio: A Global Focus guests Paola Harris
Radio: Eye To The Sky guest contactee Linda Montaldo

September Archive *August Archive *July Archive *June Archive

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