
Alien, UFO & The Paranormal Casebook is a site that specializes in bringing this very day's news to it's visitors as it appears on the Internet each and every day. All links are TROJAN & VIRAL SAFE and open to new window.

Sheffield City Centre-5th April 2009
UFO Stalker - UFO Sighting - Palm Desert, CA - Apr 5, 09
UFO Stalker - UFO Sighting - Liberty, SC - June 15, 1981
UFO Stalker - UFO Sighting - Ar Ramadi, IQ - May 15, 05
Cornwall, UK A Bright Venus Like Light
Artillery Takes Out Landed UFO At Da Nang In 1966
Sidcup, Kent-3rd April 2009
Columbus, Ohio Lost Time
UFO sighting

2nd Photo
MUFON Report: 16423
This pix below is same report as above

UFO ERA: English/moore speech mufon '89 symposium
Truck Drivers See Landed Craft - 1989

Image reveals M33 is bigger than thought and headed our way
Data Shows Thinning Arctic Sea Ice

How To Use Affirmations To Change Your Life
Starstruck: Cosmic Visions in Science, Religion and Folklore

No story here below, just a cute baby Alpaca

Sasquatch, Real or Imagined? You Decide
North Americas Elusive Babyfeet
Monsters and Devil Names
'Round the mulberry bush
Landshut Shootings & Suicide

UFOs and the British Government - Paranormal Podcast
Eye to the Sky-The UFO Synopsis w/Guest Giorgio Tsoukalos
A Global Focus w/ Ed Grimsley, UFO researcher
The Paracast w/ Dr. R. Haines with NARCAP
Radio: Paradigm Radio - with Stanton Friedman
Radio: The Jaco Show (paranormal, UFOs, etc.)

Coast to Coast - Apr 8 - Apr 9
The Paracast w/Ed & Kris Sherwood - Crop Circles - Apr 12

Sci Fi Schedule - Apr 7
Sci Fi Schedule - Apr 8
Travel: Bigfootville - 3pm Apr 8
History: UFO Hunters: Underwater Alien Bases - 10pm Apr 8
Sci Fi Schedule - Apr 9
Sci Fi Schedule - Apr 10
History: Majestic Twelve: UFO Cover-Up - 10am Apr 11


..................See each month at a glance on one page

Thanks for featuring my post on here! There are a lot of really interesting articles featured here. I really appreciate it. I was a little confused at first because there were so many articles. Slightly overwhelming :P I had to just work my way down.
Keep up the good work! I'm loving the site.
Hey there: Actually - this blog is just a copy/paste version of my website, which is here.
Alien, UFO & The Paranormal Blog
It's easier to maneuver in then the Blogger, which does gets a bit crowded with the narrow template area.
Google is good about search engine items since they own blogger so that's one of many reasons I duplicate the blog post for a Blogger.
It's funny that you came in and commented. I just got done grabbing "How To Develop Patience" from your site for tomorrow. lol
I usually have a wisdom section, which is where they would normally be posted but it's been so lacking that I stopped putting it in and instead moved them to that potpourri spot. I was thinking about starting it up again with your posts - so keep em coming.
I'll probably apply a picture to them at some point. It's like a story book. Everybody likes pictures and that's what gets their curiosity where as links they typically pass on more often then now. I'll test and see.
Atrueoriginall (Eileen)
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