Updated approx - 9:00am - 1:00pm - 5:00pm - 9pm ET
UFOs, Sovereignty and Politics
UFO Theater: Life After People
Through A Mirror: The Realms of The Dead - Intangible Materiality
UFO Stalker - UFO Sighting - Houston, Texas
Raelianews: Reply To Robert Hastings Veteran UFO Researcher
John McCain Is Your Pick for Alien Invasion President
The Advanced Civilization vs. Basic Human Rights
Crop Circle totals for the world - as of Aug 21st
Colin Andrews website - updates
Armada of UFOs buzzing Northern Territory
Daily Conspiracy: Reptilians
UFO Media Matters: Betty And Barney Hill Part 2
Betty Hill And Barney Hill: Profiles In Courage Part 1
UFO Stalker - UFO Sighting - Millington, MI
A Second look at Billy Meier - The Chronicles of the Watchers
UFO from aircraft near memphis, TN
Bigfoot Grifters: “Everyone Knew We Were Lying.”
Earthfiles - UFOs and 14th Century Black Death
Ride a Maglev Rocket to Space Hotel in 2012
Sloan Digital: Changing How Scientists Do Astronomy
Rickmat Is New Bigfoot Blog for the boys
Disclosure Host: Ufo Propulsion and Tesla secrets - Listen Now!
Nevada desert, there's something out there-the Black Mailbox
Buyer keen on caravan park UFO hot spot
Paranormal group probes strange goings-on in Shropshire
UFOs spotted at campaign, candidate's aides say
So. Alberta UFO Explodes - Photos
UFO spotted above Burnley?
More mystery lights seen in Ripon skies
Vernon, British Columbia Disk UFO - Photos
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - California
Vernon, British Columbia Three Glowing Objects - Photos
UFO Caught on National Geographic documentary
Boyce, Louisiana 4 Or 5 Huge Orange Lights Above The Trees
Brooklyn, New York Ball Shaped Object With Flaming Tail
Wolves in the fold-can you trust your neighborhood ufologist?
Probe Into UFOs Spotted Over Mallorca’s North Coast
Commander Graham Bethune - Ufos and the US Air Force
UFOMystic - UFO Weirdne ss - Nick Redfern
Daily Grail - News Briefs - Aug 21st
Astral Unveiling - Danielle Lee
Lake County Paranormal Radio - Aug 24th
ParaWomenRadio With Amy and Kristy - Aug 28th
Stalking the spirits of The Nugget
A high-tech search for spirits
Demonology from a Roman Catholic perspective
Daily Grail - 'Medium' Moves to Reality
Spook sleuths hunt for haunted
Haunted Leeds investigates Yorkshire Post Newspapers
Ghost Knocked Me Down Because I Called Him a Wuss
From the Shadows: Mom’s Ghost is Still Watching
Exoplanet Of The Day - Adam Korbitz
ESA : Hubble sees magnetic monster in active galaxy
ESA - Rosetta visually tracks asteroid Steins
Cryptomundo -Mystery Man Named
Cryptomundo - Lawyers Debate: Can Biscardi Litigate?
Rickmat is Bigfoot - Rochester Paranormal

204 - June Alien Casebook articles on one page
198 - July Alien Casebook articles on one page
All - August Alien Casebook articles on one page

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