UFO Hovered over Mariah Carey Concert
Astropolitics vs. Exopolitics
30 To 40 Miles NE Of Dulce, NM Object Caught On Film (Photos)
UFO Mystic - MJ-12 Existence Confirmed (sort of) – Greg Bishop
RAF Akrotiri, Cyprus - Enormous UFO
McGregor, Texas Multiple Unidentified Lights
UFOs - Where Does The Real Threat Come From?
UFO Media Matters: Betty and Barney Hill - Profiles In Courage
Datajunkie: Ultra, The Multi Alien
The Real You - The Spirit Guide - Danielle Lee
Vernon, BC Objects Caught On Film (Photos)
VIDEO: Was UFO filmed over L.A. and Sunriver, OR
Melbourne City, Australia 3 Orange Bright Lights
Parlee Beach, NB A Bright Object
UFO in Colquitt County?
Video: 'UFO mystery' in Stretford
Vintage U.F.O.- Little Guests in the Moon Palace - Regan Lee
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - St. Louis, MO
Flying saucer that can plant explosives or bugs set for frontline
X-Conf: Military and Airline Pilot's Experiences with UFOs
X-Conf: Could Christianity Accomodate an ET Reality
Blast from the past: Understanding UFO Secrecy
Blast from the past: UFOs and the CIA
Blast from the past: The UFO Cover-Up
Blast from the past: The CIA’s Secret UFO Files
Blast from the past: Government Secrecy
Blast from the past: CIA’s Role in the Study of UFOs, 1947-90
Project Camelot: Have you seen a UFO?
UFO ERA: Author Alleges Sinister Alien Plot
A Preliminary Theory: Ufos as Signal Communications
Rockley Sands Poole Dorset, UK 5 Huge Lights Hovering
UFO group serious over new sightings
Psychiatrist's abilities to be tested by James Randi
The Gralien - McKinnon Granted Reprieve… For Now
Life Blown Here From Venus? 'Take Two' - Adam Korbitz
Architecture: The Past Is an Alien World
Is this a UFO?
Marblehead selectmen wary of amateur ghostbuster's plan
Ghost tours planned in September-Clinton
Ghost hunters invited to Lake Worth Playhouse
Haunting Party - Paranormal investigators compare notes
Paranormal News - Aug 13th by spirit advocate Bonnie Vent
Radio: Paranormal talk - Aug 19th
Want to learn astrobiology?
How to build a Frank's "phone to the dead' for $25.00
Bigfoot corpse found in Georgia - or was it? - Photos
Crop Circles - seven more locations in UK
50 years of denial
Channelled message says-aliens to appear in a big way Oct 14th
Radio: Culture of Contact-Abductee Posey Gilbert-Listen Now!
Alien Abduction - Casselberry, Florida - Jan 15, 2003
After 60 yrs, human beings till have no idea what they are
Video: Long sleek craft over Osorno, Chile
UFOMystic - Dr. Shuker’s Casebook - Nick Redfern
This reminds me of a recent UFO video
Multiple UFO Reports in Eastern Iowa
UFO Stalker - UFO Sighting - Huizen, the Neatherlands
File r’s Files #32
UFOINFO - Ufo sightings by country
The Shift of the Ages: The Extraterrestrial Factor
X-Conf: Philip Corso, Jr - Legacy of Colonel Philip J. Corso
X-Conf: Charles Hall - The Tall Whites
Bigfoot - The Slick Commercialism of Tom Biscardi - Regan Lee
The Real Bigfoot: Has it Been Found?
When Marblehead goes 'bump' in the night
Think you know what a real ghost won't or can't do? Think again
Strange Dayz - Is the USS Salem haunted? - Siani
The Paranormal Pastor: The Crazed Ghost of the Love Lost Nun

204 - June Alien Casebook articles on one page
198 - July Alien Casebook articles on one page
All - August Alien Casebook articles on one page

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