Alien, UFO & The Paranormal Casebook is a site that specializes in bringing this very day's news to it's visitors as it appears on the Internet each and every day. All links are TROJAN & VIRAL SAFE and open to new window.

Happy World UFO Day! - Yesterday June 24
Where Ufology is heading? Maybe an end to this mystery soon
The 62nd anniversary of flying "sauces"
June 24, 1947 - The Arnold Sighting
UFO trolley tours to begin in Gulf Breeze THINGS TO DO

UFO ERA: CUFON FOIAdocument #20 - 1986
Welsh UFO Sighting to be Featured on US Show

Alien Life: Thirty million year old ice age
Alien Life:Sol’s astrosphere and how nickel helped life evolve
Alien Life:Using cellulose microfibers to find extraterrestrial life

The Phenomenology Of `Oneness’

Coast to Coast - June 26

Eye To The Sky with guest Peter Robbins
Binnall of America: Bruce Rux Preview
A Global Focus with Guest: Tom Carey and Don Schmitt
UFO Undercover w/ guest Sam Maranto

Sci Fi Schedule - June 25
Sci Fi Schedule - June 26
Sci Fi Schedule - June 27
UFO Files: Real UFO's - 10am June 27
Sci Fi: H.G. Well's War of the Worlds - 1pm June 27
Sci Fi: War of the Worlds 2 - The Next Wave - 3pm June 27
A&E: Independence Day - 8pm June 27

Fortean Website

Hello... I had some information ...website..videos saved on my computer that was lost ok help me here if you can I have no names but you seem like the right person to ask RE: A man who use to speak out about meeting the greys..Andramada spelling ? etc.. also metioned about the moon hiding a space ship porting dock..Does any of this ring a bell?
I'm not sure but it sounds like Alex Collier. Here are his YouTubes below. If it's not him, let me know and I'll rattle my brain a little.
- Atrueoriginall
Alex Collier on YouTube
Yes It was ..smile .. Thank you so much!!! You have been so very helpful!!! TY!! I found it with your help (smile) Love your Homepage by the way!!I'm on utube if you need me trinityalways2006 though my topics there are with this Flu stuff and other issues at hand. Thank you again!
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