Alien, UFO & The Paranormal Casebook is a site that specializes in bringing this very day's news to it's visitors as it appears on the Internet each and every day. All links are TROJAN & VIRAL SAFE and open to new window.

Respectable UFO Researchers
To Those Of You Who Are Seeking The Truth, I Salute You
UFOs of the 19th Century - Vintage UFO

UFO ERA: Crop circle 1992 Naiccr report

Alien Life: How life may save the Earth
Alien Life: Budgeting NASA’s Astrobiology Program

I can't have a brain tumor, I've got dinner on the stove

Eye To The Sky with guest Peter Robbins
Binnall of America: Bruce Rux Preview
A Global Focus w/Tom Carey and Don Schmitt
UFO Undercover w/ guest Sam Maranto

Coast to Coast - June 24 thru June 26

Sci Fi Schedule - June 23
Sci Fi Schedule - June 24
Sci Fi Schedule - June 25
Sci Fi Schedule - June 26
Sci Fi Schedule - June 27
UFO Files: Real UFO's - 10am June 27
Sci Fi: H.G. Well's War of the Worlds - 1pm June 27
Sci Fi: War of the Worlds 2 - The Next Wave - 3pm June 27
A&E: Independence Day - 8pm June 27

Fortean Website

Wow, wicked blog and thanks for the link to my Number 23 article.
I have a few wicked blogs. The name of your blog caught my eye, now that's wicked. :)
Your 23 article is also in #2 and twice in #4 as well. Anything that ends up in the Potpourri section ends up in 4 blog addresses.
Wicked Blog #2
Wicked Blog #3
Very Wicked Mirror Blog #4
Thanks for comment!
Your Wicked Sister,
Eileen (aka: Atrueoriginall)
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