

........... Nov 2009 Oct 2009 Sept 2009 Aug 2009 July 2009 June 2009
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Yeah, it sounds like you might could use a break. I imagine it is time consuming to update your blogs everyday with so many links, especially considering most of the links are pictures!
Keep up the good work and I look forward to your return!
Yep, making those pictures are very time consuming. I've got a good degree of burnout too.
Meanwhile, there are a couple of yitzo brains out there who are copy/pasting my Quickblog by simply dragging their cursor over my work and pasting it on their blogs. Those pictures aren't Blogger, they're Photobucket and I pay for it. Plus, the ones in my Quickblog I pay for bandwidth too and overages are very, very expensive. I just hate having to pay for something that someone else is doing with my photos when what I do should be free. There's some real horror stories out there regarding that.
Rob at My Strange Blog got stung real good once too.
It's funny, but all of the ones that steal, are all AdSense blogs and stealing so that they can make a few pennies from Google. And then we have Google, who won't do anything about it.
Keep up the great work guys. Your web site is the best on the web hands down and everyone knows it. You are the first site I visit everyday because I know UFO Casebook is the leader in UFO news. Everyone wants to copy the best and you are it...........
Thanks Ken Pfeifer Mufon New Jersey
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