Click on picture above

UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Jacksonville, FL (cute story)
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Angel Fire, NM
UFO witness story from Greengate Mall in Greensburg, PA
Kuwait A Circular Disk Shaped UFO
Puerto Penasco A Large Oval Of Light
Wailua Oahu, Hawaii Ortb Makes Sudden Moves
Exeter Township, Reading, Pennsylvania A Copper Object

UFO Media Matters: When Darkness Falls:Nightime UFOs
UFO sightings around the world - sight unseen
Frank Joyce - Roswell constituent passes away
An alien eye for architecture and auto design - Part 2
New Hampshire man found a space rock in the woods
UFO conference in Massachusetts - Oct 17th 7pm
UFO: My favorite cloud (UFO ship) video
UFO Eye Candy: Weird black triangle UFO with red lights
Facing Death at the Skinwalker Ranch
NH Man Says He Found A Space Rock In The Woods
Scientists find "Goldmine" in understanding alien life
UFO ERA: Review of 2 UFO books - 1988
MUFON says 120 Pennsylvania from June to Sept 2008
UFO Mystic - Alien Wife Swap! - Nick Redfern
Evening Leader plots UFO sightings with Dipity
Extraterrestrial SciFi: Stephanie Meyer's The Host
Text Messages Sent To Planet 20 Light Years Away
Space invaders speak Squonk at Seton Hill
Daily Grail - News Briefs - Oct 10
Scientists meet for alien summit
Videos: UFO Eye Candy - Compilations with filtered UFOs
Video: Russian MIG chases UFO
Video: UFO footage from Alvin, Texas
Video: UFO footage from Argentina
Video: UFO footage from Ireland - Triangular
Video: UFO footage of jets staying with a UFO
Travel Channel set to capture Gettysburg's ghosts - TONIGHT
Ghost Hunters: Video evidence from multiple episodes
Video: Paranormal Montana: Haunted Helena Ghost Walk
Life Just Got More Interesting - Para wife, skeptic husband
Terri Rainer: Ghostly Blog Chain Blatherskite
Tornadoes and Flying - Dreams
The Possessed
Ghost and Spirit Haunting Activities
Hitchhiking Ghosts Can Be Messy Houseguests
Video: KLTV 7 News - East Texas ghost hunters release findings
Skeletons in the Closet
True Tales - Hero Dog's Ghost
The Seven Haunted Paranormal Wonders Of Our Haunted World
Walking Amongst The Dead - A True Ghost Story
The Historical Society of Cecil Cemetary Walk - Oct 18
The Stuff Oregon Coast Nightmares are Made of
Unknown Country - Can't Sleep?, smell the roses
Encounters with the Unexplained: Icelandic Elves
Freaky Friday - Haunted Townhouse
House haunted? Shore up plumbing, get bats out of belfry
True Tales - Skinwalkers on the Roof
Streams of consciousness
It's time to update those tired old ghostly tales
Spooky 'Ghosts of Kalamazoo' historic tours
True Tales - Grandfather Visited
Real 'Ghost Hunters' in the Valley
Local ghost specialist shares investigating the paranormal
Oops...Stonehenge Was a Crematory, Not a Healing Center
Video: Crypto Zoo Meets Paranormal Haven in Sanctuary

Recipe: Monstrous Mac Cheese
Recipe: Mud Cups
Recipe: Mummy Dogs
Recipe: Mud Puddle Pie

Click on pix above for recipe

Ghost Joke - Hilarious!
Halloween Jokes: Witch Jokes
Decorations - Halloween Creepy Cloth
Decorations - Halloween Scarecrow
Decorations: Lighted Pumpkin Walkway
Decorations: Weird Window Covers

Click on picture for this weeks
UFO, alien & paranormal radio schedule
Radio: GCOM Para Radio - Oct 10
Radio: Haunting Encounters - Oct 10
Radio: Beyond The Edge - Oct 10

UFO Undercover w/alien contactee Craig Jacocks
Radio: Paranormalist - Metaphysics Minister - Marie D. Jones
Radio: Coast to Coast - Fatima Secrets
Radio: Paranormal Speakers
Radio: Keeping an Eye on the Unseen World
Radio: Shadows in the Dark Gabfest
Radio: Paranormal Reality
Radio: Paranormal Society of PA's Rick Fisher

Click TV Guide for all weekly UFO,
alien and paranormal programming
Sci Fi:Schedule for Oct 10
Sci Fi:Friday the 13th - Oct 10, 8am-4pm
Travel Channel:Most Haunted in America - Oct 10, 2pm
Discovery: A Haunting-A Haunting in Florida-Oct 10, 2 pm
Discovery: A Haunting - Fear House-Oct 10, 3pm
Travel Channel:Most Haunted Live: Gettysburg-Oct 10, 8pm

DARPA Wants Submarines that can Fly

September Archive *August Archive *July Archive *June Archive

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