

Before you continue on, let's take a look at the New Jersey UFO (lights). I want it to be a UFO more than any of you so you already know that I'm not trying to debunk here, I just feel that there are some things you need to be reminded of.
We've all seen our share of lanterns and flares tied to balloons. We sometimes fail to remember what they looked like and how they reacted in the sky until we go back and do a double take.
The following (3) videos and pictures are from the April 21, 2008 hoax in Phoenix, Arizona where the hoaxer's neighbor turned him in. I think that after you view this all over again it will jog your memory as to how simply this can be done. We tend to not want to believe authority when THEY say it was just road flares attached to balloons because they are just that, authority and authority is a problem when it comes to ufology. Then again, we know better and we should also know how the media tends to hype everything UFO wise that comes along. It's real simple, the media does not dwell in the subject of UFOs day in and day out like we do. Instead, they have visions of mass numbers of viewers in their eyes and justifiable ad rates so they run with the ball.
Look at the ratio of hoaxes on YouTube and always remember that there are just as many hoaxers running around with ideas in their head in order to get media attention. Consequently, please take some time to re-review the Phoenix incident from last April.
Lights over Phoenix - April 21, 2008
Neighbor of hoaxer who narcs on him

Phoenix local station interviews hoaxer

What one of those balloons looks like

Any three points make a triangle

UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Philadelphia, PA July 1972
UFO Sightings - HBCC - Jan 8
UFO Stalker - UFO sighting - Fayetteville, LA
Northwest London, Ontario A Dark Colored UFO
Once again, too many lanterns, go here to read 6 more stories
Jaywick: Couple spot UFO
UFO mystery goes national
Mortimer, Berkshire UK UFO Pulls Off Fancy Maneuvers
Barry Wales Glowing Orange Object
Limmer Lane/Cressex Road, High Wycombe, Bucks Objects
NASA transmission picked up on a Radio Shack scanner tuned to 147.45 mhz-"Houston, this is Discovery......
How an alien visit might influence the world’s religions
Revealed: truth behind ‘UFO’ sighting
Caution: Beware Low Flying Hijacked Cows
First drop of liquid ever observed on extraterrestrial surface
Weekly Sighting Reports-01-08-09

1947 The Kenneth Arnold Sighting
1947 The Maury Island Crash
1947 Malta-Alien Entities Seen on Watercraft

Ghost seminar, a peek behind the veil - Eureka Spgs, Ark
Ghost hunters record 'voice of girl' in spirit search
New courthouse might come with a ghost
October 2009 workshop,day one; paranormal investigating

See Through Ghost - Your Ghost Stories
Cussing Phantom Phone Call - True Tales
Face In The Ceiling - Your Ghost Stories
White-Haired Ghost - True Tales

Encounters with the Unexplained: Approaching 2012
Real deaths behind Indiana Jones’ latest legend
Lanham Yeti preview
Vietnam Vets Sue CIA for Secret Drug Experiments on GIs
Daily Grail: News Briefs - Jan 9

Larger galaxy than once thought
A Cheap Solution for Getting to Mars?
International Year of Astronomy
Astronomers honor Galileo with a telescopic jackpot

Radio: Paranormal - Dilusional Darkness
Radio: Paranormal To Normal
Radio: Shadows & Lost Souls
Radio: Metaphysics, Parapsychology, Ghosts
Radio: Psychic Sisters Talk Paranormal & Economic
Radio: Southern Edge Paranormal
Radio: Paranormal Women League
Radio: Southern Paranormal
Radio: Parazona
Radio: Capt'n Jack - Close Encounters on Capitol Hill

Radio: Southern Michigan Paranormal - Jan 9
Radio: Beyond the Edge - Jan 9
Radio: GCOM Paranormal - Jan 9
Radio: Southern Michigan Paranormal - Jan 9

Sci Fi Schedule - Jan 9
Discovery: A Haunting Stalked By Evil - 2pm Jan 9
History: Comets - Prophets of Doom - 2pm Jan 9
History: Comets - Prophets of Doom - 3pm Jan 9
Discovery: A Haunting Legend Trippers - 3pm Jan 9
History: Last Days on Earth - 8pm Jan 9
Travel: Ghost Adventures Riddle House - 9pm Jan 9
History: Comets - Prophets of Doom - 9am Jan 9
Most Haunted; New London Ledge Light House - 10pm Jan 9
Travel: Most Terrifying Places in America - 11pm Jan 9


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